Additional BOE Letter: Please Be Advised that Further Direction Will Soon be Sent to the Bodies of Elders...

by TTATTelder 103 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder

    Dear Brothers:

    We are writing as a follow-up to the letters dated January 24, 2014, and March 29, 2014,
    to all congregations regarding the adjustments now underway to accelerate construction of King-
    dom Halls and Assembly Halls.

    The postscript of the March 29, 2014, letter provided instructions for the local needs part
    on the Service Meeting for the week of May 5, 2014. This includes the need to present a resolu-
    tion to the congregation by no later than May 31, 2014, documenting how your congregation will
    financially support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide. Please be advised
    that further direction will soon be sent to the bodies of elders, which will assist you in finalizing
    the monthly and one-time amount(s) you will propose to the congregation by way of a resolution.
    If a survey is needed to determine the amount that can be contributed for local congrega-
    tion expenses, this should be taken after reading the March 29 letter to the congregation during
    the local needs part. However, the resolution to the congregation should be held in abeyance until
    further direction is sent to the bodies of elders. If the congregation has already passed a resolution,
    the elders should await further direction before sending the resolved funds to the branch office.
    It is our privilege to be working alongside you during these momentous last days and we
    want to express our warm Christian love and greetings as well as our appreciation for all of your
    fine work.

    Your brothers,

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • nicolaou

    Legal departments prints all over this . . .

  • leaving_quietly

    Exactly what I was thinking, nicolaou.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    There really is no end of this 'expulsion of feces' from the WTBTS!

    TTATTelder: Is there a date on the above follow-up letter? Thank you.

  • TTATTelder

    May 2, 2014

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "We are writing as a follow-up to the letters dated January 24, 2014, and March 29, 2014, to all congregations regarding the adjustments now underway"


    "We apologize that, without realizing it, the dimmer switch on our "New Light" was activated at the time we sent out the first letter."


    So.....?????? Me confused.....


  • AnnOMaly

    If a survey is needed to determine the amount that can be contributed for local congrega-
    tion expenses, this should be taken after reading the March 29 letter to the congregation during
    the local needs part.

    Is there no bit about each publisher in every cong. having to be surveyed?

  • TTATTelder

    "abeyance" ??????

    Like an average window washing dub elder knows what that means.

    Legal dept. showed its hand there.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ADCMS: "We apologize that, without realizing it, the dimmer switch on our "New Light" was activated at the time we sent out the first letter." (LOL)

    Even Jehovah's Holy Spirit is having trouble keeping up with the GB!

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