I had a funny feeling he was a Witness... and now I need help.

by noontide 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Brilliant Billly...what i was thinking but couldnt articulate.

  • jgnat

    Aside from one element, describe the behavior rather than your instincts on root cause. The resolution is pretty simple. As it stands, this person is not suitable in a Director's role. Depending on the culture of the company, they may place him in a more suitable position, offer him training, or let him go.

    I would offer insight on his punctuality (never working overtime). Say it is a matter of his religious beliefs. No need to mention which religion.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    jgnat ( never working overtime) your correct, why should an employee allow biological research or working on a factory line or being a director be more important than friends and family? So what iam saying is a contract is a contract and if i signed a contract which said i wont work overtime ...then thats that...the flexibility should never be pressure and unreasonable presuasion. ( sorry not a good speller)

  • MadGiant
  • JustVisting

    @jgnat is correct in pointing out his belief system. He is a company Director, the hell you say that you cannot discuss values and beliefs. Is this company in a right to work state? Given his position, it would not matter because he is in management. I say can his ass, as this "meek and mild" JW will never change his stripes (sorry for the scriptural reference). In this day and age, companies realize that an employee's values and beliefs unfailingly predict behaivors. When a person's values and beliefs are mis-aligned with the company's, it usually means that he/she is not a good fit for the company and should be dealt with quickly.

  • jgnat

    I think in this day and age companies can make accommodation for a person's religious beliefs. For instance, what if he were Muslim and he was excusing himself three times a day go to pray? I think the company needs to know why this Director is invariably leaving on time, regardless of the work commitments piling up. It is up to the company whether they are willing to accomodate this or not.

    The other behaviors can be exemplary in the right company, but not in one where initiative is valued. I know I would be miserable under a director that was meek, indecisive, and did not show initiative. I want my leaders to display leadership.

  • noontide

    Wow! Thank you everyone for your suggestions. This person is the HR Director in the company and as you know, this department does affect all other departments. I was brought in to consult and see how we could make the department more efficient and in turn, help the rest of the company. I know that my evaluation should be, and it will be, about job performance. However management is also worried about how he is perceived by the rest of the employees in the company. They could have dismissed him a long time ago, but I really think they wanted to see him succeed. He might be quirky, but he is a nice guy. I just don’t think he is cut out for a corporate position.

    The only reason I even broached the subject of religion, is because I can clearly see that his JW mentality is affecting his work, and others see his JW behavior as strange (think newly indoctrinated Witness, who is very proud of his religion and you’ll get a sense of how he conducts himself). I can sympathize with this; I was once there myself.

    I really wanted to help him and see him succeed; unfortunately I don't believe this will happen. I have taken over the HR department and am now instructing him how to run it. In the few weeks that I have been here, people are now coming to me and directing their questions and issues with me. This does not bode well for him. But ultimately it will be all about this job performance.

    Again, thank you everyone for your suggestions, I’ll keep it professional and keep trying my best to help him.

    Thanks everyone!

  • jgnat

    Wow! Talk about mis-fit! Do what we do; put him on a "special project".

  • jgnat

    BTW, I have seen evangelical Christians give themselves away in job interviews; they can't help it. They truly believe being a "good witness" makes them superior employees. But the underlying character unfailingly gives itself away. In one memorable example, this woman dished out all her volunteer experience in her church, wore her cross boldly on her lapel, but failed a simple sorting exercise because she refused to follow the instructions.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Your company can't fire him for being a Witness, unless they want to fund his pioneering for the rest of hids life.

    So a situation needs to be created that will lead to him being fired for being an asshole. He could be dismissed simply because he "rubs yourr boss" the wrong way, as long as his RELIGION is never mentioned. Your boss can (literally) say, "I don't like that tie - clear out your desk" The important thing is that RELIGION never is part of the explanation for the firing.

    If I were you, I would have a private - very private - like in a limo drive around the city for one hour - meeting with your boss so I could tell him you've identified the problem, and then outline the strategy for unloading Brother Dumkopf.

    Take no prisoners! This guy is a pain in the rear to many who will become more productive when the Dub is GONE. You are acting with their benefit in mind.

    Tip for future potential employee interviews: ask the what they did last Xmas. Keep it minor and move on with the conversation, but learn what you need to know.

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