by The Searcher 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultBgone

    Obviously she loves the attention or she wouldn't be spending so much time typing on blogspot...oh, wait, I forgot, she's counting all those hours as missionary service.

  • sd-7

    So...I wonder if governmental authorities might have advised people to avoid large gatherings due to the Ebola outbreak? Or maybe to avoid hand-shaking or wash your hands frequently? Would these folks have taken any precautions without the Governing Body telling them to? One would hope so. Either way, it's hardly a case of 'divine direction' saving the day when hopefully the local health authorities issued some kind of warning to everyone about it. This is the sort of thing Ray Franz wrote about--how mundane things are presented as if God had a special hand in it.

    The funny thing? The Governing Body could just as easily have told them to go ahead and pass the emblems anyway, and it would have been received as 'divine instruction' just the same regardless of the risks. It would have been regarded as a 'test of faith', no doubt.


  • Phizzy

    This just illustrates how far from 1st Century Christianity the JW/WT "religion" has come. What on earth is the point of a Memorial with no Emblems ?

    I could see in the circumstances the wisdom of not passing the Emblems, and saying that if any anointed one wished to partake they should approach the table and help themselves, but no bread and wine present ?

    This lot have gone beyond silly.

  • objectivetruth

    Instead of completely removing Jesus Flesh & Blood, couldn't they have done it differently?

    Certainly the branch could have shipped in individual self sealed Servings of wine & bread. When someone partakes, remove that serving and insert a new serving in rotation?

    its bad enough that Millions are convinced not to partake, they have to take the opportunity away from an entire congregation completely?

  • respectful_observer

    What I find interesting is this topic was also posted on jwtalk.net several days ago. Total number of replies on that thread? One.

    I'm guessing that's because all the uber-dubs there are freaked out a little. They want to support whatever decision the GB makes, but this one is so far out of left field, they're not sure what to do. They don't want to look like they're mindless lemmings, but they don't want to look like they doubt any decision made by the GB. Hence, the silence.


  • scary21

    Phizzy, That's what I thought.

  • BluesBrother

    Interesting.....& thanks to the O. Poster.

    I can understand , even commend their wish to avoid risk of deadly infection, but one would have thought that a more emblamatic solution could be found, since this negates the whole point of the service. Supposing a real anointed were there? He would be denied his opportunity to obey his Lord's command. Perhaps have a glass of wine and piece of the bread but only to be used once , if at all, then replaced..not passed around

  • wallsofjericho

    what exactly did they "observe" if there were no emblems?

    this just proves that the memorial is a meaningless tradition when it comes to the lowly non-anointed R&F

  • undercover

    "Keep doing this in remembrance of me... unless of course you have a communicable disease, then just wash your hands and sit quietly over there...way over there. Oh, and I'm not going to wash your feet before dinner this time either..."

  • Apognophos

    I find this bizarre. Passing the emblems is not required to observe the Memorial even though the JWs are obsessive about passing to every single person including the passers themselves. All that is required is to place the crackers and wine on a table and let any who want to partake come forward and nibble their own personal cracker and drink from their own glass of wine. There's always plenty of glasses anyway. So I find this Ebola excuse to be a poor reason not to have emblems. Very interesting...

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