by The Searcher 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Is there no end to how they will mislead the African people to a brick wall of pain and suffering and now this. Deliberately drawing them and teaching them further away from Jesus' ransom sacrifice. Wow!!!!!

    If it weren't bad enough that they gave an entire country without bibles; their version with missing bible accounts and scriptures. Also slyly directing them to abandon their local customs of shaking hands. Even the blind minds are saying how it was a loving provision. Huh??????

    They too, like they preach about Christendom have blood guilt amassing to the heavens.

    It's just disgusting how more and more the witnesses are starting to resemble Babylon the Great. Just makes me wanna say the things they say to other religions back to them. "GET OUT OF HER!" "GET OUT OF HER; BABYLON THE GREAT"


    Due to the Ebola epidemic, there was to be special precautions and arrangements made for our memorial and those in nearby cities and villages.


    ........................................................................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • confusedandalone

    The pic with the little african chilf dressed in the western clothes stripped of his cultural look and religion is actually pretty sad

  • Phizzy

    Really ?

  • quellycatface

    How very sad. No sense of occasion with these guys.

  • NotNew

    1. These were the last two comments on their blog...how long will they stay up?
    1. Mr Medic April 20, 2014 at 11:51 AM

      So you are celebrating that people had to wash hands to avoid a disease your god created? Ebola is a pathogen, a living organism. According to your beliefs, the disease it all part of gods plan, he designed the virus pathogen at some point in time didn't he? Why....to CAUSE the disease. Now you thank him whilst washing your hands? It does not make sense! Also you were excited that for once you did not pass the blood and bones of a god under a full moon, celebrating his blood sacrifice. Do you think this has a pagan origin by any chance? Buy some history books and read up on your ancient Jewish beliefs! Celebrating hand hygiene to prevent disease and praising the same god who created the disease as a punishment is just ignorant. I am an outsider looking in, Guinea has lost over 60 people since January. According to your beliefs who created the ebola virus? Literally who designed it and brought it into the world, who created ebola? Adam? Eve? Satan? ......... God! Now with that in mind read your blog post once more!

    2. mcbrob April 20, 2014 at 12:02 PM

      Goof point Mr. Medic, but these people rather die instead of facing the fact that they dedicate their life to lies.

  • stuckinarut2

    I thought the society said that individuals were not to set up their own websites etc!

    I suppose its ok if you are a missionary?

    Once again, do as we say, not as we do....

  • HeyThere

    i just read abut jws not being able to have their own blogs, sites, etc. only refer people to jw.org. so is this person an apostate or is the no blog thing case by case, overlapping rules so to speak?

  • stuckinarut2

    I agree 'Hey There'

    Yes, I bet this 'sister' will be spoken to now...

    Good, maybe she will get discouraged and see the stupidity of the organization she is slaving for!

    Well, she will see it when she gets sick one day and has to go home to her home country without any money, without a job, without health, without any support....and is told..."you are on your own now...trust in God".....

  • losingit

    Those comments by Mr Medic and mcrbob have been deleted. Ido like your suggested comment DD :-)

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