Ayahuasca / DMT.... anyone else curious?

by snare&racket 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Willow76

    The visions I have on ayahuasca (to answer Snare and rackets question) were entirely new to me. I've never had drugs before ayahuasca (unless you count a few puffs of someone's joint one time).

    the journey on average lasts 5 hours, unless the facilitator puts extra dmt in, then I'm on a longer ride. When its at its strongest I sometimes lose awareness with the outside world. But not every time. Often I lose connection with my body, I cant work out where my hands are for example, if I move them getting a fright that they're still attached. I can feel like Im completely bodiless. Up seems Down, and down seems up. The worst thing you can do is lie down. if I sit up and concentrate on my breath then it's not so overwhelming. music really helps me to stay present. My visions are usually colourful bright fractals, like sacred geometry. I don't usually have distinct images, but others often do.

    In one journey the plant spirit was teaching me not to put trust in my egoic mind, she did it this way... Every time I had a lucid thought I heard a huge clash of symbols beside my ears.... Like a 'wrong thing to do, try again' message. this has helped me hugely since to isolate the lies (unwanted beliefs handed down to me by parents, religion, society) my mind tells me and instead listen to the truth in my heart -which is 'all is love, there is nothing to fear'. My quality of inner life has increased exponentially since.

    Another time my intention was to express unconditional love in every circumstance of my life. I remember sitting up with my arms raised and energy that I would describe as unconditional love pouring into my body, my body was shaking and my mouth gaping wide open in astonishment. The next day I sent an email to 2 people who had kicked me off my land, abused me, turned people against me, and vandalised my house. It had the song link to 'Im sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you'. My forgiveness was so complete I felt there was nothing to forgive and I thanked them. This produced such a feeling of lightness, like the weight of anger/hatred had been removed off my shoulders. (My first ever ayahuasca journey gave me the gift of complete forgiveness to the JW cult and a grateful attitude for my experiences within that cult). There is no one in the world I hold the slightest inkling of a grudge against... Thanks to ayahuasca.

    another time when the 'I'm sorry' song was being played in ceremony and the shaman was calling out asking for forgiveness for any life where he did wrong to another person, I did a huge vomit and while vomiting had visions of myself raping, torturing, murdering people. this helped me understand even more how everyone of us is connected as a whole throughout history, and that I am just as responsible for the injustices being committed... So don't get self righteous just because in this lifetime I've been a kind person. And understand the ultimate innocence of the inner essence of each human, only fear can produce actions incongruent with the original innocence.

    i've been reading Jung's autobiography, and the visions he had which he studiously documented over his lifetime he described as coming from a collective consciousness, and I concur with his findings. The visions on Ayahuasca are of a similar nature regardless of who takes it. Just google ayahuasca and look under images. once you've taken it these images are extremely familiar. Yet google alchemy images and there is a similarity, google Jung drawings (his mandalas to describe his central beingness for each day) and again a similarity. How can these be similar, yet not part of mainstream art?

    i cannot believe humans are simply a concoction of biology and chemistry. Qantam Physics is the new science. Newtons laws and the like are old fashioned. Even the new studies showing that our DNA changes as we change our actions and beliefs, this is fast obsoleting beliefs that DNA is fixed. Try reading Gregg Braddon and Bruce Lipton.

    And listen to Terrence McKenna on YouTube, he describes tripping very well, and studied physcadelics scientifically and experentially. His son Dennis McKenna also studies the same.

  • Willow76

    Oh and in regards to health?...

    my allergies have all disappeared, my lower back no longer hurts, my IBS has settled down about 90%, my candida completely gone, and I've gone from clinically depressed to a happy, loving, blissful state of mind. All a direct response to ayahuasca.

  • kurtbethel

    Last year I was in Peru and went down to the Amazon jungle for my 'canopy adventure' and it was there that I got to know the sacred vine.

    I was with my sister and went to a lodge where a shaman performed a ceremony with us.

    I am pretty open and adventurous, and when the shaman asked why I wanted to do the ceremony I told him that I was an explorer and was ready to explore within, and I didn't expect anything or have fear about it, to just see where it goes.

    We were in a dark room with only a candle, he poured the tea into bowls and was playing the guitar and singing as we drank. It was bitter vomity stuff. Sis vomited in a bucket but I didn't, though I purged out the other end later.

    He blew out the candle and after a while a purple vaporous mist surrounded me and rose to the ceiling where it dissipated. I stood up and had this physical urge to dance and writhe slowly. I usually sit still and am a bit wooden. It was pleasant. Eventually I sat back down and for a few hours I had very colorful visions and would also sleep and dream for short periods. The dreams were somewhat normal, but vividly colorful, except for sepia tone type windows in which I would see people and situations that were unpleasant in my life.

    The colors were like strings of beads and geometric forms that would slide along surfaces of things like lights in a marque sign. The lights would be going at different speeds and directions, and the speed would slow and increase in pulse with the guitar music.

    It was all very pleasant and fascinating to me, and I felt blissful and peaceful.

    After the effects had abated some, I needed to get to the bathroom to purge. I had to go outside the room into a larger screened room with dim light, then go outside down some steps and around the building. I slowly felt my way and when I got to the steps I was aware that my body proportion sense had been recalibrated so it seemed like my feet had a long way to move to get down each step. I was very conscious of this and carefully stepped and took note of physical feedback. Had I been drunk or stoned I would have never been aware enough to do this. I made my way around the building and did my purge, then came back and sat outside for a while. There was still some visual effects of some light pink and green geometrics superimposed on what I was seeing in the dim light outside. My impression was that I was directly experiencing the 'source code' that my brain was operating on.

    Shortly after that I went to sleep in a hammock and when I woke up the visual effects were gone, leaving me in a peaceful 'otherwhere' kind of state. For me, it was a very positive experience that I would be willing to repeat when I get the chance.

    I would be unlikely to recommend it to anyone, in fact I suspect many people would flip out if they did this. There are a very few people who I personally know that I might suggest they investigate it, but they are known to be fellow explorers.

    Afterward, I came to suspect that some art I was seeing in the region was inspired by this type of experience. I share a sample here.

    divine vine unicorn

  • integ

    Snare and Racket says:

    "There are no such things as spirits".


    Yes there is. I am pretty certain of this and no I am not insane or otherwise mentally distressed.

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