Any gay exJW's?

by Trapped in JW land 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zoos

    Thanks 88JM. I just printed it also.

  • daveysmithy30

    I am also gay and ex-JW. Never felt better after fading away. It's incredible lonely being a gay JW and often you are made to feel that you are the only one out there but in reality, they are many. I hope that many who are still involved in the JW world will come to know that there is a better life where you can be free to be yourself and not told anything else like suppress your feelings or you have to change. Good to hear from others in this forum.

  • daveysmithy30

    88JM - Thank you very much for the link to the study. Looking forward to reading it through. Looks very interesting too.

    TT - Good hearing from you again. Glad to hear you and Jack are both doing well. BTW that list of all CO/DO's in the UK is just pure

    brilliant! :-) x

  • ohiocowboy

    Hello and welcome! My Partner and I are Gay too, and we just celebrated our 12th year together the other day. There is a good life to be had after the JW's. It may be rough for a while, but things always have a way of working out, even if it doesn't seem so at first.

    All the best!

  • Bluefluff

    Gay here too. I posted on your other thread. I'm unfortunately still physically in and an MS. However I'm intending on 'coming out' both with being exJW and gay very soon. The emotional struggle to get to this point has been immense and I only wish I'd been able to do it earlier. Still; I can't wait for the future!

  • scotsman

    Ha, ohiocowboy, my partner and I have been together 12 yrs this week too! Congratulations.

    88JM I had an angry phase but it had to pass for the JWs to have been part of my life without defining my life. Lost my family and lifetime of friends but I'd do it all again just a bit earlier.

  • fulltimestudent

    Great to see that some have been in a longterm relationship for so long.

    Funny thing, Christian haters used to say one of the reasons that homosexuality was bad, was the fact that they did not/could not have long term relationships, while failing to mention their own hate-filled intervention in social life, designed to prevent long-term gay relationships. Mention gay marriage here and the Christian haters crawl out of the woodwork.

    My GAYXJW friend and his partner will soon will have their 23rd anniversary. He had been deeply inculcated with JW cultism, and was disfellowshipped for having gay sex somewhere in the late 1990's. Spent months trying to come to terms with his sexuality, started considering suicide, and in his words, met a guy who made him laugh again, moved in together and have been together ever since.

  • cultBgone

    Nice to hear the success stories...congrats to you all and many ((((hugs))))!!

  • mouthy

    krejames! Thanks sweetie!I dont know how cool I am .But I am glad you think so I will be 87 May 22nd.

    To all on here!!!!! Great reading your stories... LOVE!!!! is the most wonderful feeling in the world & MY GOD!!!!

    Jesus Christ .say it covers multitudes of sins. And we ALL have a load of them dont we. I know I have to all

    Grace Gough

  • Phaedra

    Would bi-curious count?

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