Any gay exJW's?

by Trapped in JW land 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    My heart goes out to anyone who is gay and raised in this organization, it must be tough. I hope you all find healing, peace and acceptance.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I echo exactly what LisaRose said.

  • snare&racket

    2 gay friends that were DF'd from my old hall, they were both told to fight it , not tell anyone and try to live a 'normal' straight life bu the PO. One of them, their JW parents STILL make them duck in the car if they pass JW's and repeatedly tell them of their shame, they even posted on FB about it tonight. It is shameful and so backward.

    Statistically there must be around 15% of JW kids who are gay, the numbers are statistically standard for homosexuality even in animals.

    Only in JW land, where everything is 100 years behind the time, is it still a taboo. So welcome to the site and welcome to the freedom of honesty.


  • NewYork44M

    While I a not gay, I understand the concept of "in the closet." I lived this for years as a witness knowing fully TTATT.

    I also know gay ex witneses, and one is a very special friend of me and my family. The fact that individuals are born gay was one of the things that took me over the top when I was figuring out if religion was right for me.

    How could god allow individuals to be gay and not allow these same people into his fold? This was the question that I struggled with and finially came to the conclusion that god does not matter.

    I hope you connect with the best support system. Good luck. If you are in NYC and have a bottle of wine, look me up and we can talk.

  • Heartofaboy

    I love you guys......

  • Zoos

    Heartofaboy: I love you guys......

    Plain, simple, and sincerely returned.

  • TimothyT

    Gay! I love it too! :)

  • 88JM

    I'm always amazed at the gay ex-JWs that don't get angry at what this cult put them through - some people seem to be better at letting go and moving on with their lives. Sometimes I feel so angry for having to go through it all, and especially for those still trapped in as many have said.

    A link to the study below was posted here a while ago, and I think it's really good at putting into words the dual stigmatism that being gay and being a JW involves:
    ("Download full text" link to the PDF in the green box)

  • Heartofaboy

    Hi TT how are you? Hope you're well & happy.


    88JM Just printing this off for a bit of bedtime reading tonight....looks very interesting.

    Thank you Zoos..........

  • TimothyT

    88JM - Thats a good point. When I look back at what I had to go through I think it was a dreadful time and I hated myself for it all. But now I look at it and literally shrug it off. I have got no time to be resentful and bitter. Actually Im glad it happened to me as it has made me super strong. I have chanelled it all in to LGBT counselling and now I love what I do. :) I guess its all down to how each person individually feels about it.

    HOAB - Im great thanks. Things are doing really well. 3 years now since Iv been with Jack. We live together too. Saving for the future and just enjoying the moment. :) :) :) Whats new with you? x

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