My Experience Today with My Brother

by Reborn2002 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    Hi Reborn,
    There could be no better group to completely understand how you feel and to admire your behavior than this one. I imagine if your parents did as well with raising your brother as you he will be sorry for his behaviour. If your nepehw follows the path of most other Witness children he will be free as soon as he is independent so you have that to look forward to. Maybe he will turn to you for help then. I wish knowledge and the healing that it brings to your brother. I and many others here know what you are going through and I am so sorry to see you or anyone else have to feel that feeling of rejection from someone so close and for the sake of a cult. Your brother is not himself, but a Watchtower Clone. When he becomes himself again, which odds are he will, then I hope you two can be real brothers again. In the meantime being the one with the knowledge, it means you have the greater responsibility to protect that future and you did. I applaud your maturity and wisdom.

    Best wishes for you and yours,

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini


    You were at your mom's... making salad and: the warm of a mother's home...... mmmmmmm!!! (smelling good in that kitchen)... pure love and warm from you, the uncle.... pray for that precious life of your knefew, "sobrinito". ( I forgot how to spell it). What counts is tue love you gave to the child by not giving in to your anger in front of him. Your brother? he is an adult! but the child, he can't choose. Love and my prayers and best wishes are with you,


  • flower

    I'm sorry too Jason, I know how you are feeling and its got to be terribly hard for you to bite your tongue. but just know you did the right thing. we cant give in to their manipulation because it would just in their eyes be proof that they are right about us.

    My nephew is two and i havent seen him in about 8 months so I know how you feel. I'm sorry that your brother was so cruel. In my opinion this keeping children away from us goes beyond just normal jw psyche. Its a combination. I think that people like this who would do something like that would be lousy humans even if they werent dubs. It makes it a lot harder (for me anyway) to seperate them from their acts and not hate them personally.

    It really stinks. I'm sorry.


    ps. u have my # if u need to use it.

  • LB

    Well Reborn everyone seems to feel you did the right thing. Do you feel you did the right thing?

    Maybe you could feel even better if you went had sliced his tires while he sleeps tonight? That would be fun and everyone would still think you took the high road.

    He's a turd and turds are difficult at best to understand.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • PointBlank

    Dear Reborn,

    Your story broke my heart. Even after being involved with the WT organization for most of my life, I'm still amazed at some of the words and actions that can come from some of them (JW's). After being out for several years, it's now a simple task to recognize a tree by its fruit. Your brother was dead wrong. And the truly frightful thing is that he <i>will</i> live to regret it.

    I'm so sorry for your pain.

  • AjaxMan


    I am sorry about what you went thru. It is very heartbreaking emotionally what your own flesh and blood said to you.

    However, I got to give it to you that you were the BETTER man during that situation and the way you handled yourself is nothing short of admirable. It got me thinking that you are right in suspecting that your brother is looking for you to get physically agressive as to prove that he's right. You did a great job in controlling yourself and more importantly, you didn't give your drone of a brother the satisfaction.



  • Kristen

    I pity your brother. You handled yourself well. I'm sorry you have to deal with such a crappy situation. (((HUGS)))


  • ARoarer


    You showed yourself to be the better Christian.


  • Farkel


    : I can understand how hard it is to bite your tongue in those situations.

    You sure about that?


  • DakotaRed

    Hi ReBorn, I think you should have hugged your brother and given him an affectionate brotherly kiss on the cheek. Then, told him that no matter what, you love him. Then turn back to preparing the salad.

    Just think what an impression that would make on the nephew. Dad, the righteous "christian" sounding angry and displaying animosoty and the socalled "evil wicked one," displaying brotherly affection.

    Boy, ain't hindsight a great thing? Of course, afterwards, you might have needed to go knock over a tree or something.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

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