My Experience Today with My Brother

by Reborn2002 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • JenGill97

    I'm so sorry... but I will say... steal all the chances you can get with your nephew. If his father never smartens up, atleast his son will know his uncle will always love him.

    Actually, I would suggest killing your brother with kindness. I know it is hard to do, but you are the better man. Tell him "Sorry but I love this little guy. How you and I feel about religion, or eachother for that matter, has nothing to do with that." End of discussion.

    Just my two cents worth.

    Jen :)

    Free at last,
    Free at last,
    Thank God Almighty,
    I'm Free At Last!

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Sorry this happened...I hope you know that you are the better man for holding back from retaliating. Your brother is in a cult that has programmed his thinking and his behaviour...rather then hate him we should pity him...ironic to think that he pities us apostates.

    You walked away hurting and I'm sad for you that this happened. It is however a good thing to know that there are plenty of us out here who know that kind of hurt only too chin up buddy....we're here for you.


  • plmkrzy

    Reborn That is HORRIBLE!!!!
    I think i'm stuck somewhere between LB and Dakota on this one. He either needs a Hug or a PUNCH IN THE MOUTH! I know hug him and then punch him in the mouth.
    Thee is absolutely no excuse for that what so ever. Rediculas!

    There is NO ONE who shuns me in my family. Nor do any of my nieces and nephews ever get shunned! EVER!
    In fact if you don't want to say anything to him I'll be more then happy to! That kinda crap boils my blood.

    Life sucks...get a helmet
  • Mazza

    Quite honestly, I think your first reaction was correct. I've been disfed for over 20 years and I no longer feel that behaving like a decent human being is the way to go. I think shitty actions require equally shitty reactions. In fact a good punch in the face would have done your brother more good than your restraint.

    I put up with family shit, such as you discribe, for many years. However, I was finally left alone, when I lost my cool and tore shreds off my relatives for their hypocrisy and double standards. I also threatened to take their actions to the media and report their foul behavior to the popular press. Since then, I've been left alone to visit my jw parents.

    I really don't think we do enough to help those left inside. We try to be reasonable and it doesn't get us anywhere. You should have told your bother that his behavior is disgusting and he should be ashamed of himself. Tell him his religion is utter and unadulterated bullshit and it's time he woke up to the lies and convoluted arguments they hide behind.

    Seriously I think it's time we started a new approach. We should start shouting at them to wake up. Begging them to look and see what they are involved in. We should be trying harder to help them. And I should stop drinking this white wine, even if it is Friday nite and I'm sick of waiting for hubby to come home from work!


  • ashitaka

    your brother is a f**king piece of shit and deserves to live the rest of his life in ignorance. Just remember to always be there for your Nephew....20 years from now you could help him out.

    If I knew who your brother was I'd take a giant shit on him. Bastard.

    Trust me though, kids see through that preprogrammed horseshit. I used to talk to DFd people all the time, because I KNEW they weren't bad. Just keep smiling and don't feel guiltly talking to the little man.



  • Mazza

    ashi, funny you should say this, but if you read my post, previous to yours, when I lost my temper with my sister and her PO idiot husband, their daughter was listening in the next room. What I didn't tell them, isn't worth mentioning. Not long after this incident my beautiful young niece left home. Raised in 100% dub atmostphere with 100% dub reasoning for 16 years, she most probably listened to me, and heard sense for the first time in her life. Her leaving home at such a tender age, just about killed them. She remains dub free several years later.

    Sometimes these dubbies learn hard lessons for their inability to show compassion to others.

    Marilyn ps interesting that you and I are tired of being understanding - and just want to punch their stupid heads into a brick wall!!!!!

  • ashitaka

    Right Mazz, I agre totally.

    Tonight I have something hard to do, but I'll post that in another thread.



  • Mazza

    ashi - I don't know what you have to deal with tonight, but whatever it is I wish you the best. These words feel dreadfully inadquate. They come from one who knows what it's like to deal with impossible people. Hang in there.


  • orangefatcat

    Wow, judge and jury all in one. I wonder who appointed him to be like that? I wonder if he knows that the scriptures say that God is our judge.
    Yes he is definitely warped, braindead, brainwashed, and plain rude. What a terrible thing to say about you in front of his young son, I see how that can perpetuate that kind of hatred.. in his son so that he will think it is okay to call someone wicked. Yes instill that loving quality in your young ones. What a moron. And I am so glad you took it and didn't retaliate in front of the boy. You are the better person by far. I think your brother got the point. Sometimes silence is the better part of valour.
    hugs Jason.

  • new boy
    new boy

    You did the right thing, a word of kindness is alot more powerful then a slap!

    "what would love do now?"

    "Igorance is 100% curable!" ---Jessie Cathill

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