Same sex marriage legalised in the UK at midnight tonight!!!

by DuvanMuvan 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Xanthippe

    I haven't read the legislation in detail but I don't think it makes gay marriage compulsory for everybody.

    As far as evolution goes sex is very variable. The majority of living things don't do sex at all, many practice bi-sexuality, some can switch from asexual to sexual reproduction depending on resources, some are hermaphrodite, there is a marine flatworm that fights duels to decide who gets to be the male and there is a fungi that has not 2 sexes but 28 000 of them. Apparently number 27 999 is widely considered "unnatural".

    Cofty thank you for making me laugh, it's been a crap few weeks.

  • Tiktaalik

    Gay marriage is an unstoppable wave sweeping around the globe.

    Except here in Australia. And a few other backward societies.

    Congratulations to the Brits.

  • Phizzy

    You have a damn good gay Pride event in Sydney every year though. It will only be a matter of time, and some courageous politicians.

  • DJS

    Glad the law passed,

    JustHuman, your point about the end of the human race is ridiculous and was addressed very thoroughly a few months ago on a similar post. Think man. Gays want children. Gays have children. There are lots of ways this can occur. The human race is safe. Do some research. It isn't rational to worry about what consenting adults do. I couldn't care less, and gays have as much right to legalize relationships as straights or bi's or transgenders. I think I covered all of it.

  • snare&racket

    About 10-15 % of sheep are gay... I wonder if gay sheep marriage would destroy sheepkind ?

  • sooner7nc

    Way to go UK! Kudos to you.

  • DJS

    And about 80 percent of all girls are bi. No wait, that's my ex girlfriends. Sorry.

  • fulltimestudent

    MY very good friend, whom I tag as GAYXJW, has an interesting viewpoint on the destructive effect of the Christian churches negative attitude toward same-sex relationships.

    He, as his ID indicates, was a witness for many years, getting involved when he was young and having to deal with his attraction to males. He faithfully accepted the JW teachings on the matter (which are not different to most other churches) and was convinced that the Yahweh/Jesus combo divinity could and would heal him, if only he had faith (Matthew 8:13). In time he believed he was healed (though, one could argue that he had merely suppressed his sexuality), and thought that he could marry without ruining someone else's life. So he found a nice girl from a theocratic family and married. They eventually had three kids.

    Within their congregation they were seen as a fine example, and did indeed seem to have a happy marriage.

    But, a dark shadow hung over this couple. Neither did anything wrong, at least for some 20 years. So what was the shadow? Simply that my friend did not have sexual attraction toward his wife. He tells of the coldness that started to grew between them, and how for himself, he would often lie there in the darkness next to his wife, willing himself to have an erection, so that he he have sex with his wife and provide her with the physical satisfaction that she should have had, but the only result was an increase in the coldness of their relationship. The JWs are a small society, and I co-incidentally know that during the committee meetings leading to my friend's expulsion, his wife had blamed him for her own adultery.

    This marriage should never have occurred, and it was one of things that made me start thinking about the whole deal. The theory was that the Holy spirit should have made it clear to that girl's family that she should not marry this young man. Some elders blamed my friend, but really, did he sin when he believed that the Yahweh/Jesus combo divinity could and would heal him, if only he had faith?

    These peoples lives were ruined because of the attitude that most churches have toward same sex attraction.

    When the homophobes who sometimes post here, post their nastiness, they seldom take time to reflect on the consequences of this church nastiness.

    I wonder how many couples, in many churches, have suffered the way my friend and his wife and kids suffered ?

  • fulltimestudent

    Of course, men and women everywhere can fall victim to the mean spirited attitude caused by this Christian teaching. Some may not even be Christian.

    In this video, a Singaporean film maker takes a more light-hearted look at the problem. You'll soon sense what is happening in this Singaporean family whose daughter is about to be married.

    There's a rather charming wedding custom in Chinese societies, in which the bridesmaid's, "test' the genuiness of the bridegroom's affections. There's no bridesmaids in this wedding scenario so an older aunt undertakes the same role.

    Ask, youself after viewing, what would've been the likely result for this marriage?

    Do you think that the bride had a lucky escape?

  • DJS


    Eloquent and compelling re-count of your friend's story. Thank you. People can hide their hatred of gays behind a religious cloak all they wish, but it is ultimately bigotry in their hearts. If it was simply a religious issue, the discussions could remain within their church/building. Taking their argument out into the public in general is either trying to force their religious views down everyone's throats or their own inner hatred.

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