The Noah Movie

by Quarterback 58 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Overblown snoozefest. Niether interesting nor uninteresting due to Bible "accuracy" or lack thereof. It was just boring and pompous. Aranofsky has done some wonderful things but this one is a waste of time. Each of us has our own opinion. Glad I watched it online, ugh. Had to fast forward through most of it. I would rename it "Noah meets the Transformers."

  • tenyearsafter

    I just saw it. I don't understand the uproar over the "environmental" theme and lack of Biblical wasn't really that obvious to the average person.

    I went with the mindset that it was a fantasy movie, similar to Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. For me it was just a mediocre movie that dragged frequently. The effects were so-so, and the acting passable. My overall take away was that this was a movie that would not stand up well on its own merits, but has been boosted by hype and bad publicity. Brilliant marketing, crappy movie.

  • BluesBrother

    We saw the film on Friday.....have to agree with everybody that it was very poor.

    Two hours of dull, dark muddy, heavy film. I was glad to get out of the cinema. I knew that it was not a Biblical story, but this was just stupid - the story was full of holes and Noah's character was thoroughly dislikeable...A waste of time and money

  • Quarterback

    Island Man: I did some more research on that scripture in Mat. regarding the wording, "Know". Interestingly I found in, Thayer and Smith's Bible commentary, and I quote,

    "To learn to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel to become known, to know, understand , perceive, have knowledge of, to understand,"

    Some of the word usage for the word, "Know", also is "comprehend, understand, take notice, unaware, understand"

    So it seems that the NWT has rendered an acceptable rendering of that word.

  • snare&racket

    The irony of a bunch of us exJW's complaining that this was ridiculous for its inaccuracy, concept and unbridled fantasy.........

    We all bought into the most ridiculous of stories, concepts and fantasy and we ate it up for years lol....

    Kinda funny x

  • watson

    I don't think I heard one "complaint" about the inaccuracy. I will say that the story would have been better had they stuck to the bible fantasy.

  • LilieKat

    post deleted

  • BluePill2

    snare&racket, how true. Ironic that exJW and apostates have a better notion for accuracy and correctness in things. Maybe our upbringing gave us a specially sensitive BS-Antenna

  • watson
  • glenster

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