...WBT$/JW Preaching at the Door with a Cell Phone?!...

by OUTLAW 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ABibleStudent

    If BITE control depends on emotional attachment to JWs, won't more reliance on technology and less on social interaction backfire on the WTBTS? I hope so!

    If JWs start showing me propaganda via the internet on a smartphone/tablet, I am planning to take out my smart phone and show them videos of Steve Hassan or "ApostateChick". I hope someone creates powerful, less than 2 minute videos to reverse witness to JWs, so that I can reverse witness better.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • redvip2000

    I can confirm that they ARE using tablets in service now. Someone I know showed me their tablet presentation. It's like a 3 or 4 minute video. Pretty much they knock on the door, show the video, then ask if they want a bible study .

    Could it get more dumbed down than this? I mean they are going down a path where all they need is a warm body to deliver things. No understanding or reasoning is needed, just press play or stand next to that literature stand or cart.






    ........................................The WBT$ Is Turning Field Service Into..

    ..................................The WBT$ JW Traveling Embarrassment Show..


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  • EndofMysteries

    the 2 minute video showing quotes of not getting higher education, of the district convention talks on putting family, and everything else as second fiddle, pictures of shunning, suicide stories from it, etc.


    S.S.D.D...[ same s***, different decade.]



    When I said "what's the big deal", I was refering to the JW's making such a big deal out of using cell phones and tablets.....jam

    Ah!..OK!..Yes,I totally agree with you!..

    You still gave me a good idea for a post though!..LOL!!..

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  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Real good Post OUTLAW. Just think 20 years from now the pub. will be using drones flying over the householder house and droping WT. and Awake on their front lawn. The 20 after that the will be sending out their robots door to door telling people if they don't listen to them they are going to die. Soon after that all the human Wt. drones will be hiding in their bunkers the Wt. sold to them so people can't find them. I see it all now that is the real future of the WT Cult. LOL Still Totally ADD

  • A.proclaimer

    Some are using tablets and phones now. i know my aunt uses them to show people the JW.org website. She said a sister from Bethel uses her tablet. They're really pushing for the website now, probably a way of tackling apostate websites.

    @redvip2000, it has gotten dumbed down even more. There was a Kingdom Ministry a while ago that said to use an article from the Watchtower where there is an imaginary conversation between a household and a Witness, as a way to preach to people. The whole argument, questions, and answers are written in that article. No need to say anything but read.

  • RubaDub

    Folks ... this is nothing new.

    Look at the history ... back in the 1930's and 1940's portable phonographs were used. You wound up the phonograph and played a talk by Judge R.

    Same approach today, only newer technology.

    Rub a Dub

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