...WBT$/JW Preaching at the Door with a Cell Phone?!...

by OUTLAW 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs



    From Jehovah`s Witness Recovery...... by Fugue..


    This video seems to be the one that they want to show people: "Why study the bible?"

    I just watched it. It's about 3 1/2 minutes long. The dreamy imagery, combined with the narrator's deep voice, almost had me in a trance by about halfway into it.

    One point made me do a bit of a double take. The narrator is explaining that god doesn't control the world right now, and he says: "There is an evil power behind the world's problems." As he is saying this, the scene shifts to a montage of a politician, a war scene with soldiers, a mushroom cloud in the background... but the focal point is in the center of the screen: a black-robed (presumably Catholic) priest. As the narrator says that this evil power "is pulling the strings behind the scenes," the priest dramatically spreads his arms out and looks up to heaven.


    I live in an area with a high concentration of Catholics. Everyone in my office, besides me and one Jewish lady, is Catholic. I can't imagine a Catholic seeing this video and not feeling deeply insulted and offended. The message is not subtle at all: Satan controls the Catholic church, and the Catholic church is an evil power that pulls the strings behind the scenes in the world.


    .......................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • emeth

    Tablets are not only used to show the 'study the bible vid' , tablets are used to show the website (and demonstrate what can be downloaded there) and a lot of different videos as well as videos in sign language.

  • jam

    That could be a little dangerous (the tablet presentation), suppose

    a porno video shows up, if that is possible. That would certainly

    get the householder attention or get your butt thrown in jail.

  • LongHairGal


    Yeah, I heard this from some JWs and they didn't sound very positive about doing it. In fact, my impression was that they sounded very disappointed by the direction the religion is taking.


    You said it all. Not only are the JWs using their own cars, gasoline and time, but they are using their own electronic devices and footing the bill. I know somebody who can't afford it, who used their cell phone to listen in on a meeting! Talk about using up minutes!

    Well, in the very old days the JWs used a phonograph at people's door. Now they are using I-pads and Tablets. It is just newer technology. The point that is sickening is that the cost is falling on the average JW.


    Tablets are not only used to show the 'study the bible vid' , tablets are used to show the website (and demonstrate what can be downloaded there)

    and a lot of different videos as well as videos in sign language.....emeth


    ...............................................................From a WBT$ Video for the Deaf..


    .......................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • jam

    outlaw, I'm on the floor.... I can't get up...LOL

  • blondie

    This reminds me of the days when they used testimony cards for the HH to read, and then played records at the door for HH to listen to. The WTS says that was because people were not skilled back then in preaching and teaching............yah, same reason now?

  • jgnat

    Well, DUH, if you have it on the internet you don't need to go door-to-door selling it! If it has intrinsic value it will go viral.


    I think this is an EXCELLENT opportunity to load up our Witnesses we know with USEFUL apps. Like these:


  • EndofMysteries

    It's interesting that 'the evil one' has a beard. So that's why no beards are allowed because satan has one?

  • jam

    When I said "what's the big deal", I was refering to the JW's

    making such a big deal out of using cell phones and tablets.

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