Need advice for asking a girl out

by DuvanMuvan 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • DuvanMuvan

    Well long story short, I've been meaning to ask this girl at school out for a while but i can never do it because her friends are always there in the way and I would prefer to ask her in person. We've liked each other for a while (I was oblivious until about a month or two ago) and I'm also I bit worried she'll get tired of waiting.

    I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or something that they could give me

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    Ask for her phone number, then call her the same night.

    Just do it

  • DuvanMuvan

    Ask it from her or a friend? Because I can't ask her for her number without running into the same problem and her friends will just tell her before I could do it.

    i have overthought this many a time

  • FadeToBlack

    Write the following on a small piece of paper (business card szie) - Call me when you get a chance. <insert phone number> and then hand it to her discreetly. If she is interested, she will call.

  • Crazyguy

    Just go and start talking to her even with her friends around, show her a good time verbally. Get her friends liking you as well, then just ask if she would like to go with you to do some thing. Have the something picked out first. Don't take yourself or this situation too seriously, girl just want to have fun!

  • DuvanMuvan

    Fadetoblack that could work

    Lol i'll need to use legible handwriting though which could be difficult

    crazyguy I get along with most of her friends so I don't really have a problem talking to them. It's just that they know we like each other and whenever we're within 5 feet of each other her friends turn into giggle-monsters and I feel embarrassed and make up an excuse to leave

    i was thinking about asking one of her friends if they thought she'd go out with me if I asked to kind of give the message to back the fudge off but that doesn't work when they're always in a group

  • FadeToBlack

    Duvan, just do it, Life is too short. Do you want to end up old like me one day, and say to yourself: damn, I wished I would have asked that girl out. What is the worse that could happen? You are seeing monsters where there are none. And besides, you need to get used to/learn to accept rejection. It happens. You will be ok...

  • DuvanMuvan

    Yeah I do this kind of thing a lot. I'm scared to do something so I create a little tally chart in my head of why it probably won't go as I planned then use it to talk myseof out of doing it. Same thing happened when I wanted to ask her to prom a few months ago. Luckily for me she asked me instead (but this was a couple of weeks after the day I said I was "definitely" going to do it)

    I'll (probably) do it tomorrow. Damn being confident takes too much effort.

  • pronomono

    I agree with CrazyGuy. But take it a step further.....own the situation. If you know she likes you and you like her, then you have nothing to worry about. Get her number. Call her. Don't worry about the girly giggles. If you can't handle that, you need to mature a bit. But please don't waste time avoiding her because of girly giggles. I did that too much when I was young and had a lot of regrets growing up....still do. Good luck.

  • DuvanMuvan

    Thanks for all the advice guys I'm gonna go collapse into something remotely bed-like now

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