Pit Bull Mauls 2 Jehovah's Witness Door to Door

by Shanagirl 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DesirousOfChange

    There was a report like this about 1 year ago.

    Is this a new attack?


  • Phizzy

    Where can I buy a Pit-bull ?

  • blondie

    Phizzy, not funny.

  • carla

    It is very sad and I'm sure they will have a very long difficult recovery if they make it.

    However, there is a sign posted and the yard appears to be completely enclosed with a chain link fence. Why do jw's think they have the right to barge forward? Common sense would show you that the home owners probably do not want uninvited guests.

    My jw just the other day was bemoaning the fact someone got hurt but put the blame squarely on the victim because they put themself in a dangerous situation by being in a bad neighborhood. I'm sure he would not feel the same way about these jw women.

    It is a shame these women felt they must go to every door no matter what to get their time in. I wish them well in their long road a head of them both physically and emotionally.


    They only went ahead because of the "special relationship" that exists between JWs and the GB. Those attacks were totally avoidable and the GB are to blame. I suppose some chickens in Myanmar needed protecting and the angels were busy.

    Anyway Guy Pierce, a Saint, died recently. Who careS about two rank and file Jws? They won't even be mentioned in passing on JW.org.



  • wasblind

    It woulda been a mess if they needed a blood transfusion

    accepted it, and got disfellowshiped. All because the angels

    skipped field service that day



    Now that's somethin' to think about


  • label licker
    label licker

    We were out in f/s one morning and the brother that was with us had the territory card. On the back it said mean dog and initialled by two elders. Did this brother listen? Noooo. He got bit when he approached the widow in her garden. As he turned away the dog bit him. He goes to the hospital and the humane society took the dog away. The dog was doing its job. We told the brother not to go in and he had two warnings on the back of the territory card. Again, my heart goes out only to the dog.

    Another time I'm out with three lazy lame-a$$ sisters and the driver tells me to do the next farm for there's a huge dog that comes after people. I looked at her and said no thanks, I just did the last house. She said but you have a big dog. I said knock yourself out. All three sat looking at the dog for five minutes and then had the nerve to say I had scared them from going to the door and took off. Idiots!!!! However, one of our studies did own three pitbulls and those dogs were as gentle as my rottis. Our dogs never ever run loose on the property unless we are with them. A dog is still an unpredictable animal and has to be respected as such.

  • wasblind

    I know what you mean Label Licker

    I accompanied this young little zealot on one of her Bible studies

    one evenin'



    She took me down in some Boonedocks

    I begged her to throw it in reverse and gun it like a hell hound

    til she hit the black top and wheel it from there



    But Noooo, I guess she was sure the angels visible to only her

    had our backs



  • sparrowdown

    I know an elderly couple that got mauled by a dog out in service. They had to go to hospital for stitches and shock. It was very sad. There was no sign on the gate, the dogowner was in the yard and did nothing to stop it. The old bro and sis felt they should report the dog to local council( in our area by law there should be safe access to your front door, and if you have a dog that bites you should have a warning sign clearly visible). Anyway they asked the local elders and were told that they should not report this incident as it could reflect badly on the cong and make it harder for everyone else to go d2d. The old couple thought this was an incredibly iresponsible attitude to have and were sure this dog would almost certainly bite someone else, and maybe a child selling cookies next time. They became very discouraged and realised the only protection from this sort of thing was to NOT go door to door . Hard way to learn.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " There is definitely no angelic protection."

    Indoctrinated dubs will disagree. They will come up with all kinds of contorted reasons why something like that can happen: "maybe they were living double lives", "Jehovah permitted the attack so that attention could be drawn to the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses", "Satan is behind it! Jehovah only permitted it so the sisters' faiths can be refined", "Maybe Jehovah needs them to witness to persons at the hospital", etc

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