Oh but I can do that wasblind :)
Just like the Jews who knew Jeremiah was speaking the truth, or the Jews who knew Jesus was the messiah.
Human leaders are dust in the wind, and always flawed. I don't even blame them, had I called 1914 in 187x, then WW1 happened ... I would try to sandwich the prophecies to fit, we all (most) would.
However, I'm now of the mind that WW1 was a LYING sign leading to the 'false parousia' conclusion in 2 Thess 2.
That makes sense to me; this is how the man of lawlessness sets himself up in the temple of the true God showing himself to be a god.
What does the man of lawlessness do? Through lying signs and powerful works sets up the precepts to trick those who know the truth.
Exactly like has occured! Amazing really.
So it is incumbant upon me who sees this to stick it out and be ready tell the truth about the truth to my bros/sis. In this regard I'm glad I burned a decade smoking weed while DA'd and really thought through these things with a .. uh ... clear head. Exposing myself to evangelical christianity was also a great lesson, and proving point for me, that the JWs do indeed have the truth but are under a 'deluding influence'.
My prediction:
WW3 happens in the near future, JWs are made state enemies, Christendom obliterates us .. and the refining work is accomplished. Those who come out of the judgment of God's house will then give a final witness to the world, fulfilling the oft quoted Matthew 28.
Edit: the 'blood' issue was prophesied, this is Isaiah 29 where the commands of men are taught as the fear of God.
You have to wrap your head around the idea that even though the organization leaders are apostate, the members are going to fulfill the role of being the temple of the true God during the time of the end. This is logically provable - who else will resist the coming war and beast system? This already happened as an example during WW2.
In my opinion, the 'churches' are going to bless warfare on a scale never before seen. Meanwhile we JWs will be out in the ministry getting beat down and refined like the early Christians. (WW2 is proof of this as well)
I follow NO man. Only Jehovah and his son. If I followed man I would be an atheist or militaristic Christian, lol, which I did attempt half-heartedly just to escape the 'evil' Watchtower.
edit: I can't post anymore :) If you disagree with the logic, feel free to PM me .. I see no way around this conclusion, by looking at the dataset.
edit: ooo, i can keep editing :) No, I'm my own particular breed of madman, not of the franz or 'miz' (not sure who that is, but I'm guessing we would get along!) type