JW Justifies Societies Pedophiles

by DakotaRed 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Hilda, it's 'not' about other churches, it's about an org. that has been negligent for decades about pedophilia. I'm begining to wonder, why? Is it because there may be some 'within' the governing body that are pedophiles? Why not? Just look at the history of the Nation of Israel and you will see corruption first hand.

    You are justifying a wrong and throwing up a smoke screen with the C.C. You have admitted that pedophilia is wrong, however, you have not admitted that the org. should have a zero tolerance of such destructive/perverted conduct. The org. has put themselves in this position 'not' the ones reporting it, another smoke screen. Your making smoke screens for responsible persons. Doesn't your conscience disturb you? Apparently not.

    Guest 77

  • amac

    Dung -
    You have posted this misleading information on several threads -

    Yep, this individual ignores the fact that:
    Watchtower sends the molesters to people's doors

    Watchtower expels/shuns victims

    Watchtower expels/shuns victims' advocates

    You type this in a manner to make people believe that if they are a victim and say anything about it, they will be DFed. Or if they support a victim and say anything about it they will be DFed. THIS IS NOT TRUE. IT IS MISLEADING. Please clarify this in future posts so you won't mislead people and be viewed by others as OVER-emphatic, OVER-dramatic anti.

  • RedhorseWoman

    If the WTBTS acknowledged the fact that they, as a religion, were no better than any other group, the argument that other groups have just as much, if not more of a problem with pedophilia would make a little more sense.

    However, they do NOT admit to being "just another religion". Their claim is that THEY are the only ones being used by God as His SOLE channel of communication to mankind. They claim that Jehovah "makes persons new" and brings them up to a standard of morality that is far and away the "best". Immorality and "sin" is NOT tolerated....presumably.

    Get caught smoking a cigarette, and you're out the door. Get caught molesting a child, and chances are good that you can just continue on as normal.

    I have heard estimates of 800 priests that are suspected to be pedophiles. Eight hundred priests out of how many Catholics? How many millions?

    And yet, the WTBTS with a suspected KNOWN pedophile count of 23,000 is somehow BETTER than the Catholic Church? Even if the number of pedophiles in the WTBTS was the same or less than the number in the Catholic Church, the ratio is still much higher for "God's pure organization".

    And the whole point is NOT that the percentages are better or worse for the JWs. The point is that the Society needs to DO something to protect the children in its midst. It needs to applaud those who are brave enough to speak out rather than disfellowshipping them.

    Why didn't the Society begin an investigation of the elder body in Paducah, Kentucky when Bill Bowen first voiced his concerns? After all, this organization claims to be the only true religion. And, yet, they ignore the rafter in their own eye while condemning other religions for the splinters in theirs?

  • ThatSucks

    Hello Hilda. Thank you for your response.

    ::Well, since all of us use are fleshful brains with corresponding synapse, nerves, and other related structures, than I would say about the only damn way you could think is according to the 'sinful flesh', because the 'sinful flesh' originates the 'sinful thought'.

    :You obviously have no idea what I am talking about. I am sorry that I gave you credit for having at least some knowledge of Pauline mystical language. Brother Paul obviously uses the word "flesh" in a different way than you talk about. Sorry for imputing such knowledge to you.

    Sorry, I keep my knowledge base limited to reality. I don't ascribe to fairy tales or mysticism, and while I read cult lingo, I do not speak it unless comic relief is warranted. Your attempt at 'poetic discourtesy' is noted.

    ::Jeez, if that's doesn't sound like catholicism. Go out and rape/molest/steal, and BEG for forgiveness, because you can.

    :You got it all wrong again. Repentance is only of value when it is genuine and rendered in godly fear.

    Oh, you must really be mystical then Greg. Here you are indirectly claiming to read the hearts of others as a voodoo priest would. I agree that 'Repentance is only of value when it is genuine and rendered in godly fear', because God has nothing to do with it. (I realize this is not what you meant, but I used the term "godly" in a different way than you talk about in my 'suckian language')

    ::: Should we then tell the whole neighborhood that she is a pedo, after she repents?

    :: No, we should tell the whole neighborhood that she was a pedo, and that she at one time 'peedo'd'.

    :If the state required such action I would agree for then superior authoritties would come into play. Otherwise, I say let the elders handle matters according to Paul and the rest of Bible.

    Since you already acknowledge the authorities as superior, why not encourage the elders to allow the ones professionally trained to deal with the situation handle the situation, instead of "untrained volunteers"?

  • amac
    with a suspected KNOWN pedophile count

    That is an oxymoron.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Actually, amac, it isn't. That number is those who are "known" pedophiles, or, in other words, "recognized" pedophiles. The "unknown" or "unrecognized" pedophiles could push that number much higher.

  • amac

    It's either a suspected count or a known count, not both. To correctly say what you implied, you would say " a known count of #####, and a suspected count of #####."

    However, there is no "known" count as, I believe, the 23,000 number is hearsay and, therefore, suspect. So it's a moot point anyway.

  • RedhorseWoman

    amac, please read my post. I did not say it was a "known" count, I said that they were "known" pedophiles. Therefore, the suspected count of "known" pedophiles is 23,000.

  • amac

    You typed the following

    And yet, the WTBTS with a suspected KNOWN pedophile count of 23,000

    However, your last post that said

    Therefore, the suspected count of "known" pedophiles is 23,000

    is quite agreeable. I definitely view that count as suspect.

  • dungbeetle

    hey amac...this constant harping and dialogue about Bill's statement is ludicrous on your part. Why don't you just engage in email dialogue with him; better yet, why don't you call him?

    Don't want the facts, hey?

    You are a nameless, faceless voicelss person hiding behind a nameless faceless voiceless ISP.

    You are obviously only hear to rub salt in injured people's wounds. People here are suffering and hurting and seeking to make sense of unjustifiable wrongs that have been done them.

    The outrage and indignation expressed on their behalf by the people behind those doors you preach at speaks reams about you; these are people under a death sentence according to those magazines I've heard JW's bragging about giving away. Yet they offer hope and enlightenment and comfort and understanding and love.

    What have you offered? Stay warm and well fed and go your way? NO; NOT EVEN THAT MUCH.

    How you can come to a board like this full of molestation and rape survivors and spew your Watchtower filth is totally beyond me.

    Just hardheartedness is hard to find behind those doors you preach at.

    Have you nothing better to do than pull the remianing wing off of a butterfly?

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

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