Any active jws, without using the phrase "God must have..." Can you prove that Noah's ark actually happened

by DuvanMuvan 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inbetween

    Can you prove that Noah's ark actually happened

    Ye of little faith. Have you not seen the movie trailer? "Maximus and the Ark"? It's all explained right there in High Def movie making. Geez...

    so funny....

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Outlaw - the kangaroos are one thing, at lesat they hop quite q1uickly, but what about the koalas - those poor little guys can't move fast, survive on a diet of eucalyptus and sleep most of the day to digest the eucalyptus. For a pair of them to travel from Oz to Turkey and back would have taken many times their lifespans and the woul dhave needed to carry a forest of eucalypts with them to snack on, on route. It is all so obviously impossible but the emeths of this world have suspended disbelief in a desperate attempt to hang on to their beliefs.

  • Comatose

    What did the carnivores eat on the ark? None of the animals could have died as they only had 2 of each. They were on the ark a year... What did they eat?

    Do you know how quickly rats and mice can grow in population size? In one year a mother rat could have 15,000 descendants.

    The only way to solve the food problem or the room for babies problem is to say "god helped". But, if god was going to help then why miraculously send animals from all over the earth to Noah. Why not just magically help them. In fact why flood the whole earth? Why not just blink and dissapear the bad guys from existence?

  • kaik

    Or think of all these trees and plants. Under water, which even with slightly higher level of salinity due canopy rain water deluting the ocean, majority of the plants would die off. It will create a chain reaction in the atmosphere with O2, CO2 being off the ballance. Then you have all the salt that would evaporized and crystalized over the land. Insect that are at the bottom of the food chain will die out... Anyone who read Genesis story of Noah can figure out it was nothing more than nice moral story talked around the tribal fire.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    I don't really understand this thread. Why would a Jehovah's Witness want to prove something they don't believe? You ask them to prove an act of God without using the exact base of their argument. This of course being that God did indeed do it.

  • smiddy

    Your priceless outlaw , always good for a laugh .

    Not to rain on your parade jam , but the WT did say that the mountains were no-where near as high in Noahs day as they are now , the weight of water on the earth sank into some areas , the deepest parts of the ocean and pushed up mountains in other areas . H20 being 1.000 S.G.

    I`m not saying I agree with them , but that is /was their argument.

    Of course Noahs Ark story is ludicrous . Kookaburras , Wombats , Wallabies , Kangaroos , Tree Kangaroos , Tasmanian Devils , Koalas , Eucalyptus trees , Emus , etc.etc. all indigenous to australia , and especially the Australian Aborigine , none of which are found anywhere else in the world .

    And they all miracuously found their way to the australian continent with no evidence of being anywhere else ? on leaving the ark ?

    Thats just some of the species found in australia and nowhere else on the planet . Search and you will find similar examples in most countries of the world . However jehovahs witnesses are conditioned to be lazy , they dont do their own private research , they have brothers in bethel that do that for them . So much for a basic education.


  • QuestioningEverything

    Seems like I remember my mother telling me that at one time the earth was covered by a canopy of water. This created a greenhouse affect and the whole earth was similar in tempertature and climate. During the flood this great water [ceiling] fell to the earth and flooded it. Afterwards the sun beamed directly down on earth causing some areas to be hotter and dry others to be cooler and moist. I don't have a exact scripture but I think I remember something in the bible about a "great water canopy above the earth". Does anyone else remember this?

  • cantleave

    Emeth, I would like hear of anyone who drowned in "water of crystallisation" - time for you to get an education I think.

  • QuestioningEverything

    The best...worst thing about the mighty flood is that it didn't even accomplish anything. For all that effort and murder...what did we get?

    The really bad people ie..the angels that assumed earthly bodies all escaped LOL??? and how good was Noah's kids they tried to rape him the second they got off the boat

  • LouBelle

    In just about every religion there is some sort of flood story - There are major flood stories in history. Doubt it was a god thing. Just nature.

    (didn't read any of the other posts and just wanted to say that)

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