Being an Atheist Is Bad For Your Health

by Space Madness 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    does Having arrived at the conclusion, and anouced that there is no creator/god leave you in a vulnerable mental state?

    On the one hand you have no father,

    on the other hand, you are, with your fellow 'believers', the most intelligent beings in the cosmos, the multiverse , barring other more advanced civilisations beyond the horizon, of course.

    One way or another that can be an unstable untenable situation, so you need more COMFORT and SUPPORT.

    because you do have a father, have his genes, and there just might be higher intelligence out there.

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    If Durheims hypothesis is back from the beginning of the 1900s no wonder atheists were highest in suicide....they were seen as the devil and persecuted from all realms of christianity id imagine.....just sayin

  • Phizzy

    I imagine that at that time the gay community had a high suicide rate for the same reasons. Being gay is not, of itself, bad for your health.

    The trouble with a lot of studies carried out as to lifestyle or belief or whatever and its impact on health is that in comparing humans you are not comparing simple uniform things with each other, it may be easy to compare say, a,particular kind of fruit with another, and see the effect of environment, the weather, and other factors, and come to a good conclusion as to the best growing conditions for it.

    With Humans , so many factors affect an individual, and impact on their health and longevity ,that it is almost impossible to compare like with like, and therefore conclusions drawn from studies of largish groups need to be taken with a sack of salt, not just a pinch.

    Taking too much notice of scientifically doubtful studies and their conclusions is bad for your health.

  • bohm

    wait a second, those atheistic first world countries also have better basic education.

    Clearly education cause people to kill themselves.

    This proove there is a god.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    This may be a spurious correlation. Studies also show that people living in cities are more depressed than those living in the countryside because of increased work stress and greater loneliness - cities break down community support networks. People who live in the counryyside are also more likely to be religious. Developed countries are more urbanized than underdeveloped countries. So you have somewhat of a causation issue space madness.

  • Ruby456

    frazzled UBM, you make some good points which I agree with and which Durkheim would probably also agree with for he made an important link between social factors influencing life including suicide and argued against locating what people do and feel solely in psychology or in what is natural. Social facts explain social facts was his contribution to the social sciences.

    for example and in thinking about it, if you look at any street you will see single occupant cars driving down roads that seem like pointless conduits and this can then generate feelings of the pointlessness of life and also a sense of lonliness. This sort of individualism can be felt very acutely by all kinds of people but perhaps more acutely by someone who relies on the kind of atheism that is fleshed out by thinkers who have lots of economic resources (Richard Dawkins for example) and you have very little.

    the fact is though, and this is borne out by poor countries, you don't need a lot of money to be happy but enough is good enough

  • KateWild

    Hey Space Madness,

    Are you feeling suicidal? Please don't do anything rash. Also you don't need to put up facts and figures for fulltimestudent, as fulltimestudent is not genuinely interested, are you fulltimestudent? If you are look up the stats yourself!

    Space Madness,

    I have been following your posts and have got to know you quite well. It seems you are at a point in your life that everything just seems to be going wrong for you. But you are in education, you have people all around you everyday, can you confide in a counsellor on site? Are you feeling fragile?

    Your posts have been really interesting and I am glad I have had the privilege of chatting with you online.

    Take care Love Kate xx

  • Ruby456

    katewild, I agree and add that Durkheim is one of the good guys

    edit: keep going with your studies space madness.

  • suavojr

    Kate asked the right question. Are you feeling down? Please do not do anything that can hurt you. Don't forget, If believing in a God makes you happy don't lose faith in that. it is not an easy step to forget about a God when you have trusted this deity all of your life.

  • KateWild


    Space Madness has posted his story and there is a bigger picture to his thread. What you are asking for is clearly causing stress whilst he can't sleep. Whilst I understand that you are trying to help him by getting him to think for himself, please try and be mindful of the full picture and all his circumstances.

    Personally from what I can gather I don't think you are really interested in the stats, am I wrong?

    Take care Kate xx

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