A message to the critcal people

by JPandelo 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • puzzled

    I think the old term take a walk a mile in my shoes best applies since it is always those JW's that have all the simplistic answers for an obviously complicated problem.

    ditto's on that Bravo.

    How come there are ALWAYS plenty of people we can say that to.
    And endless sea of them.


  • LDH


    Here's hoping you become a frequent poster. Your words are valued and your opinion is worthwhile.

    Thank your family for sharing their story, molesters hate the light. They are like cockroaches.


  • worf

    Excellent Justin! I agree with you wholeheartedly. The watchtower must be taken down.There is no other solution. I was raised in the borg and was an elder for 7 years and I know exactlywhat you mean.

    Hey I live right in NYC. Maybe we could get together sometime. Feel free to e-mail me.

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    You are soooo right in your assessment.
    Those who are condeming your actions or feel that you are going public in haste obviously know nothing of what you and your family have been going thru.

    Funny they seem to not "understand" yet are too afraid to post anything too personal even here for fear of gettin caught. And that is what the watchtower does to people.

    Remember, you are not alone.


  • Grunt

    Hi Justin,
    Sorry for the grief and pain your family has already suffered. I am glad you and yours have the courage and integrity to fight and that your fight is being made public for the world at large to see. As LDH said, that is the thing these cockroaches hate the most, exposure and having their lies and twisted reasoning put under a light for all to see. If you want a Witness to read anything all you have to do is let them know you are also sending the message to others. They will read it then out of fear that you are exposing their little clay gods. Your family has sent a message to the world that most Witnesses will have to read. Maybe for some it will be enlightening. Glad to have you out and speaking loud and clear.

  • Joyzabel

    *standing and applauding Justin*

    Very well said.

    May your family have the continued strength they will need to face what is yet to come.


  • circe2


    Bravo! (Clapping)


  • Prisca


    Welcome to the board, and thanks for an outstanding analysis of the issue regarding the silentlambs.

    I am astounded at the way the WTS has reacted to Bill, Barbara Anderson and your parents. They are behaving like spoilt kids whose toys are being taken away from them. The WTS has to either grow up, or it will face the consequences.

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    As an old friend of your dad (who was Pinky when I knew him best and a damn good ballplayer), your beautiful essay touched me deeply. I can but dimly imagine the nightmare you folks have lived trhough for these many years. You and yours are dearly loved. God Bless You.

  • waiting

    Welcome to our forum, Justin.

    Sorry it had to be under these circumstances - but the more the merrier, eh?

    but the fact remains when organized religion whomever they may be become an institution, they no longer have member interests in mind. They become a corporate entity that is a slave to money, government, and other corporate factors.

    This point was also made in the British Parliment in a speech (posted on the old H20)......any organization must change to survive, and members must be ready to leave if they don't want to change along with the org. However, the most ready supply of food for growth for the organization is it's own members.

    Please pass on our best wishes to your family and wishes for continued success.


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