Bill Bowen "Kidneys"

by HildaBingen 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • riz

    i'll have kidneys :p

  • larc


    I can't add much except to summarize a few points.

    1. Several people have asked you to please tell us a better way to handle this serious problem. Could you please do so?

    2. You have questioned Bill Bowen's motives. Others who know him have given their assessment of his motives. My question to you is: what difference does it make, what his motives are?

    3. Wait on God, is one of your themes. That has never worked in the history of the human race. Why do you think it would work now? Mankind only has improved its fate in this world, when it took it upon itself to remove bad conditions. Waiting on God is reserved for the very poorest among us who have no hope whatsoever. For the majority, who have a sense of self efficacy taking action is more appropriate.

    4. You mention the anger amongst us. Do you really think that this is a subject that should not percipitate anger? You would have to either (1) have a lobatomy or (2) or live in some kind of etherial plane, way above the grime of everyday life, as you indicated that you did.

    5. You suggest working within the system. That has never worked. Some examples are Olan Moyle, Carl Olof Jonson, Jim Penton, and Ray Franz. Why do you think it would work now, when it has never worked in the past?


    Any comments?


    If you are not Duns the Scot, then you should meet him. You two would fall in love. To see an example of his writing, type in the word "Determinism" in search at the top of this page, to see an example of an interchange between him and I.

  • Prisca

    I can't believe that there are now 5 pages to this troll's thread in 8 hours.

    I said it before, and I'll say it again:


    thank you.

  • GentlyFeral
    Why not try Christ and the tranquility that comes from trusting in him?

    Oh, pull the other one, honey.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    I'm thinking that someone needs a sunshine sandwhich... what do you want on it?

  • larc


    Sometimes, re: trolls, I have mixed feelings over being ambivalent, know what I mean? On one hand, I don't want to encourage them. On the other hand, I want to let lurkers and other interested ones see how foolish such ones really are.

    Take care sweet lady.

  • WildHorses


    please crawl back under that rock you were hiding under.

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • mouthy

    Bakedcanuck..You feel we should not bother to respond to Hilda
    But my feeling is she/he/is really hurting-She is doing what we( when in bondage) was also trying to do( as we were told to do) cover over adversity....
    I think he/she may be having doubts about the "BIG O" ( well isnt it a big organization)or orgasim.......
    The more we "run: with her/him - may get out of breath & stop & rest & find out "hey ! maybe I should think about my loyalty to what?"
    Hilda to you I say PRAY for truth.......
    God go with your mind.....

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