Bill Bowen "Kidneys"

by HildaBingen 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThatSucks
    Maybe Bowen should have obtained a sociology degree before opening his mouth. He could have learned something about social movements, especially, religious ones.

    Hello Dunns the Scott. I'm glad you understand why Bowen went public. Because you and I know that NOBODY would have heard him if he had protested quietly following "Theocratic order". He would have been ousted and ignored.

  • hawkaw

    HildaBingen = ad hominem


  • HildaBingen

    Dear That:

    :Hello Dunns the Scott. I'm glad you understand why Bowen went public. Because you and I know that NOBODY would have heard him if he had protested quietly following "Theocratic order". He would have been ousted and ignored.:

    Who is this Dunns the Scott person? Is he or she interested in the mystical tradition as well? I did not say that I understand why Bowen went public. My contention is just the opposite--If he knew anything about the sociology of religion, he would have opted for a different route, as I see it. But then, I am just an old mystic floating in the clouds.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Hilda, don't you see?

    God IS handling it! He has probably tried many times for many years to get a member of this legal corporation/printing company to listen and take a stand to protect the little ones but none have listened, or have had the spine to address their conscience. They view the corporation and its policies and policy makers as the final word. They also do not believe in a personal relationship with an exterior god, not being in a covenant and all. Their job in this company is to only listen, obey, and wait, listen, obey and wait.

    Enter Mr. Bowen. He hears the cries for help and like the one who Jesus described as serving Him whenever one fed the hungry, clothed the naked, etc....
    Being the loyal witness that he is, he followed proper company protocol, but to no avail. In his mind, one child abused is one too many. It has nothing to do with his own glory but everything to do with the glory and obedience to his God, not his employer.

    If people make a big deal out of this it is because they WISH they had the guts to do what he is doing now. And I'll bet many WISHED they could have YEARS ago.

    To the one who advises against feeding the trolls.

    This board's membership increases DAILY.
    Posters like Hilda do more to advertise the cultish behavior of the watchtower printing empire than any stories that could be told or written. Until people see it for themselves they think you're exaggerating or are "disgruntled". The more they talk the more the public will see, understand, and protect themselves.


  • Celia

    Hilda, Dearest,

    I know that the truth can sometimes hurt, dear. Bill says what you want to hear and you like him.

    Bill has brought to light some pretty horrifying stories of abuse among the JW, "the happiest, most righteous, purest people on earth". Have you even bothered to go to his site and read all the testimonies from abused persons ? Probably not.

    I speak an unpopular message or, to be more exact, I ask unpopular questions--and it pains some here. Oh well. God and Christ come first in my life, hon.

    Well Hon, I can't for the life of me see or find any hidden agenda in Bill's actions. He was disgusted at how things were handled (protecting the abusers, chastizing the victims) and he did something to change it.

    But to answer your question, I think the right way to handle matters is by waiting on God and following his holy book.
    Bwaaaaahahah... So you're saying let the molesters have their fum with 4, 6, 11 year olds, God will get them eventually !
    You're sick !
  • deddaisy
    deddaisy know exactly why "brother" Bowen did not DA himself.....
    your only intent is to find out if anyone else knows.....go f yourself
    if you're so concerned, why don't you email Bill and ask him yourself?

  • HildaBingen

    Dearest celia,

    I can see that you are not one who prefers to listen to the voice of reason or mysticism--so I will let you have the last word, my dear. Let me just say two things.

    I do not approve of child molestation. Got that?

    God uses humans to sometimes straighten up human messes. Is he using Bill. Maybe God is, hon. What if he is not?

    There is nothing worse than man trying to handle some problem he is not assigned to handle nor capable of handling, dear sis. Look at the mess that men have made of the Middle East.

    Jeremiah 10:23

  • riz

    hi shecky

  • Celia

    I just can't understand your reasoning and the reasoning of so many die hard JWs and other fundies.
    Wait on Jehovah ? Wait for what, an elusive end of the world ?
    Wait until our life has passed and we die... Yeah, then of course all our problems will have disappeared !
    But during our short, precious life on earth, shouldn't we be doing all we can to help others, particularly when children are abused ?
    So, what is your opinion on what's going on with the Catholic Church ?
    Shouldn't the abusive priests be brought to justice for what they've done ? Should we wait on God, here also ?

  • ashitaka

    i like purple sherbert

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