Bill Bowen "Kidneys"

by HildaBingen 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • HildaBingen

    As a mystical Christian, I am just as distressed about child molestation as is Mr Bowen. However I wonder about this man's motives. Why did he choose to handle his row with the Witness organization in this way? Why not DA himself first and then fight against the WTS? Why put himself out in the forefront and make himself the centre of attention?

    Just some questions that I have about Bill's "innermost motives" or his "kidneys."

  • Naeblis

    It's because he wants all the glory for himself. Idiot.

  • Matty

    He was always hoping that more people within the organization would listen to him while he was still officially "in the truth". The "Apostate" label would automatically be given him if he disassociated himself.

  • HildaBingen

    Dear Naebs,

    That is exactly what I was thinking. Mr Bill seems to be one seeking glory for himself. How sickening!

    There are other routes he could have taken without running to NBC or CNN.

    BTW, were you calling me an idiot or Mr Bowen?

  • Naeblis

    The very fact that you have to ask speaks volumes. What "better" ways besides going to the media would you have suggested? Let's see what you can come up with. And also, besides having a picture of him in the newspaper, what exactly do you think Bill has gained from this? Please be specific.

  • BritBoy

    I'm with Matty on this one. I think it makes a point if he is still a Dub... if he had the apostate label then he could easily be labelled as an aggrieved, pissed off, wanting revenge APOSTATE! This way, people will listen... we hope...


    "My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"

  • HildaBingen

    Dear Matty,

    So you think it is okay for others to use subterfuge and pretension in order to influence the unwary? To me that is so unethical. It is downright hypocritical.

    Brother Paul, with whom I am mystically in Christ, wrote:

    "For men of that sort are slaves, not of our Lord Jesus, but of their own bellies; and by smooth talk and complimentary speech they seduce the hearts of the guileless ones" (Romans 16:18).

  • Matty

    It's very easy to be cynical. At the end of the day, whatever his deep-seated motives, I frankly don't care. He is doing a job that has to be done, and thank God he is doing it.

  • Makena1

    I truly hope that anyone who is making a rush to judgment, and is taking it upon themselves to "read" Bill Bowen's heart prayed for Holy Spirit first.

    Geez people - give it a rest.


    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • Scully

    I would hardly call the path that Bill Bowen has taken a "glorious" one.

    Many sincere people have tried to reform the organization from the inside, believing that there is enough good remaining in it to warrant 'not throwing out the baby with the bathwater'. There's nothing wrong with that, just as there is nothing wrong with standing up for people who have been hurt by organizational "rules" that are designed to protect wrongdoers, and trying to effect change.

    Love, Scully

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