Bill Bowen "Kidneys"

by HildaBingen 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    First of all you must realize that the WTBTS is not god's organization and they are not his channel to whom he reveals any secrets or understanding through.

    Advance heart & vascular Specialists
    Ram K. Singh, MD., F.A.C.C.
    4432 S. Eastern Ave.
    Las Vegas, NV. 89119
    " This man saved my life, after my heart attack."

    Hell is truth seen too late. H.G.Adams

  • RedhorseWoman

    So, Hilda, since you obviously know the "proper" way to effect change within this group, perhaps you should do something of your own to help correct matters.

    BTW....refusing to help those who are suffering is concomitant to refusing Jesus.

    So....what will YOU do?

  • bakedcanuck

    well, right now nathan i am wearing a sexy pair of sandals. the kind you might see on a person walking on the beach.

    how about yourself. i envision you as a man who like to wear a comfortable shoe, perhaps a runner, or even a slipper.

  • riz

    hey nathan,

    i don't wear shoes. i wear bread bags with rubber bands around my ankles.
    what is in a sunshine sandwich?

  • TheStar

    Sorry everyone, I can't keep my mouth shut this time, I have to say something to this troll.

    What is it with you folks here? The anger present in this forum is simply amazing. Why not try Christ and the tranquility that comes from trusting in him?

    I could ask you the same question.

    You come in here and attack a man you know nothing about and that most of us here know a lot about. A very respectable, humble and honorable man who has put everything on the line for of very honorable and important cause. How else do you expect us to respond Hilda?

    Why don't you trust in the "tranquility" of christ yourself and not come here spewing things you know nothing about. If you have half a brain you must know that coming in here with an attack would stir up disruption!!

    Practice what you preach and think before opening your mouth.

  • TheStar

    Now, where were we with the hijacking?

    Purple sherbert? Never had any... I want soooomeee...

    I'm afraid of really big people wearing tiny little clown suits.
  • deddaisy

    Copyright 2002 Sun Media Corporation
    The Edmonton Sun

    April 14, 2002 Sunday, Final Edition

    SECTION: Editorial/Opinion; Pg. C20

    LENGTH: 633 words



    Brainwash young people with enough rubbish disguised as religious tenets and some of them are bound to become emotional

    In the Middle East, vast numbers of Palestinians have a death wish, nurtured by mad mullahs who exhort people to become
    suicide bombers.

    In the West, Jehovah's Witnesses feed followers the lie that leukemia can be treated without blood transfusions, which are
    against their religious beliefs. Oh, yes. The 16-year-old Jehovah's Witness girl being treated against her will in a Calgary hospital
    has been brainwashed all right.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that alternative treatment would help beat her leukemia. Yet, she seems to think otherwise.

    She has pinned her hopes on blood-free treatment at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

    "Not only is it better for me mentally with my religious beliefs, but I would be respected and treated with dignity as a person and
    I would be given better medical treatment," she told The Calgary Sun last month.

    Better treatment without blood transfusions for acute myeloid leukemia? Shame on the Jehovah's Witnesses movement for
    propagating such garbage.

    And shame on the girl's lawyers for trying to persuade a judge that there's any validity to such claims.

    "It's been done, it has worked," lawyer David Gnam said last month. "It has a 50% success rate compared to a 40% rate with
    conventional treatment."

    That's a surprise to the experts. "Right now, there is no effective alternative to blood transfusions (for treating leukemia). That's
    the bottom line," says Dr. David Rosenthal, a professor of medicine at Harvard University.

    Within five years, there may be an alternative therapy for leukemia patients that doesn't require blood products but currently
    that's not the case, he says.

    Rosenthal, by the way, is no fierce opponent of non-traditional treatment. As chairman of the American Cancer Society's
    advisory committee on complementary and alternative therapy, he fully supports research into various kinds of medical care.

    In the meantime, however, he says Jehovah's Witnesses' lawyers who pretend people with acute myeloid leukemia can be
    effectively treated without blood transfusions are doing a profound disservice to the public.

    A cancer expert at Houston's M.D. Anderson Cancer Center is also disturbed with the claims of Jehovah's Witnesses that
    chemotherapy without blood products is a viable option.

    "It may be true for some diseases but not for leukemia," says Dr. Leonard Zwelling, the centre's vice-president of research

    "If that could be done, everybody would be doing it," he says. "I've never heard of a patient with acute myeloid leukemia not
    getting platelets."

    If the 16-year-old girl's lawyers have proof that it can be done, they should put their cards on the table, Zwelling says.

    "Show me," he challenges. "I'd like to see their data."

    He says he's not even sure medical ethical review boards would sanction studies comparing leukemia treatment with and without
    blood transfusions because of the risks of infection and loss of blood.

    His message to the public? "Don't tie your doctor's hands. It may save your life."

    Shane Brady, one of the girl's lawyers, says alternative therapy would involve less intensive chemotherapy, thereby minimizing
    the need for blood transfusions.

    Rosenthal, the Harvard prof, is appalled at that idea. "Let her die a slow death rather than go into remission?" he wonders in

    The principled approach when dealing with a minor is to err on the side of life, says Dr. Philip Hebert, director of clinical ethics
    at Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital.

    "Parents can make martyrs of themselves. They can't make martyrs of their children," he says.

    Thankfully, the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench agrees.

    LOAD-DATE: April 15, 2002

  • Celia

    Ashi, Riz and others :
    Orange Sorbet is the best.
    That's dessert. Main dish is grilled Lobster.
    With a big green mixed salad with french vinaigrette.
    And Nathan Natas is a big guy, with a great sense of humour, and always happy and smiling...

  • Billygoat

    Orange Shebert mixed with Vanilla ice cream rocks!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Celia and BakedCanuck, how well you guys know me!

    The fact is, I'm a HUGE guy, and I have a little clown suit, too.

    Sometimes I scare myself.

    At this very moment I'm wearing a runner on one foot and a slipper on the other. You never know when you gots to run or slip slide away!

    Riz, what would you like on your sunshine sandwich? I'll speak to Chef.

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