New congregation accounting system

by thedog1 58 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • committeechairman

    This isn't happening in the US...yet. I'm fairly confident that not only will the arrangement for accounting and bill payment switch to the branch office handling routine expenses but as it is in many countries, ownership and management of Kingdom Halls (build/operate/remodel/decommission) is handled more directly to the branch office and out of local hands.

    An arrangement of this type does cut out a huge amount of complexity for the branch in dealing with the local brothers...but the local bodies of elders will really just be told what will happen with expenses and with KHs. This will be a monumental shift for most all the brothers. Very few will be comfortable with this.

    I expect this move in the US to occur within 18 months.

  • TableForOne

    Yes, St. George of England, that's the system that I'm familiar with.

    About 6 months ago I heard a whisper of further big changes in congregation accounting, but even though I was the account servant, I wasn't told what they would be, or when they would be implemented.

  • Bob_NC

    Appalling. Money grubbing. The WT branch must think that local JWs are complete morons. This is a trial ballon that will soon be used at other branches.

    The biggest scam that the WT has going is Kingdom Hall insurance. That and acting as banker of Kingdom Hall loans where the money comes from the Kingdom Building Funds donated by all congregations. Think about it.




  • wasblind

    On Wikipedia it states there were 5 original crime families in New york

    Seems as if they forgot one, and it ain't the Sopranos


    On Wikipedia it states there were 5 original crime families in New york..

    Seems as if they forgot one, and it ain't the Sopranos...WasBlind


    ....This Is The Next WBT$ Book..........The WBT$ is Robbing You Blind?!..

    .......Every JW Is Paying For!............................Forget About It!..


    ............................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Crazyguy

    they must be having money problems which is great may they go down soon.

  • thedog1

    St George of England, yes I have a copy of the instructions for accounting, and it does say that the congregation is 'encouraged' to send any excess to the branch account. As our CBOE told me the other day, 'we don't need any extra money locally, so why not send it? ' In effect it will be resting in their account, but they are saying it is still our money, the balance shown belongs to us, and each cong has an individual number in the account which relates only to that congregation. But if we send it we can't automatically take it back when needed. We have to ask for it.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    This has been in effect in the US for more than 10 years now.

    I handle the accounts in our Congregation. It is called "An Account On Loan To The Society", You could call it a Savings Account with the WT Society. Many Kingdom Halls after they pay off their mortgage, open this account to send funds to the Branch. This is so that if you need new furniture, carpet, etc., the funds will always be there without having to beg the congregation for "new"money. You more or less keep sending in the funds you had previously used for mortgage payments.

    FYI, All Circuits used this arrangement.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    Also, when you need money, it can be done online through the Account Administrator, like when you do personal online banking.

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