War over preparing for WT study

by cookiemaster 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cookiemaster

    Hi everyone, thanks for all the responses, they're all pretty funny. He is an MS. The elders of the congo we belong to, we're supposed to come to the meetings of our group at least once a month, but in about 6 months they only came twice. One of the elders is in his early 70's and homeless, so he occasionally crashes at this MS and they're good friends.

    This MS is so ridiculous that once the study lasted from 7 to 9:50 PM. I pointed to the clock and he said that we can't just waltz through the material, we have to study it in detail. Last Sunday there was a picture of two little girls and their mother while taking to the elders about Facebook. The picture also showed the girls holding the book "Questions Young People Ask" (At least that's what I think it's called in English- I not sure since we don't live in an English speaking country). This MS actually asked us what chapter from the book is featured on the illustration (it looked tiny and we couldn't tell), then we pointed out that his daughter is well prepared and told her to summarize that chapter. So we actually reached a point where we were discussing what the characters from the chapter in the book, which was pictured in the WT magazine, were doing. That's how far he goes.

    Not to mention all the personal attacks pointed at me about a month ago when we studied what the WT says about college (I go to college and he hates it). I did indeed thought about recording him, and I will probably do it. Too bad it's not in English so you guys wouldn't understand it. Plus, doing this would totally reveal my identity here and I need to be careful. I'm not going to move out as some suggested because my parents completely support me in everything, and this attack is pointed more at them than at me. Plus our family owns a lot of land and I handle the family business and bring home the money. He disrespected us in our home so even if I don't want him to be kicked out, my father will still show him the door.

    -Steve2 I am old enough to own a house, just this one is my father's. I'm not trying to be a "defiant child", but even since I've been a JW (since birth) I've never marked or outlined my answers, or written them and the bible verses on my WT magazine as this clown asks. Since I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says to outline my answers on my WT magazine I won't do it. I don't see how they could disfellowship me over this. As for people being exasperated by my behavior, in reality there's only one, which is this MS. His problem is that our family refuses to do what HE says. And we never will.

    -Outlaw LOL, you're always funny.

    -Lisa Rose and others of similar advice, thank you, you seem very wise.

    -Objective Truth Lol, I often do that and he hates it. My answers are not read from the WT magazine but are my own words entirely. I also try to use words that are outside of the usual WT cultish vocabulary. That's why I don't outline and write down my answers because I don't read them word for word but say everything in my own words and vocabulary. You can't even imagine how much it pisses him of. Once you start talking like a normal person and not a cult sheep, everyone looks funny at you.

    Brother Mike & others that offer support- Thank you !

    WTWizard - LOL, that's hardcore man ! Some sick ideas. I love'em ! That would cause hysteria !

    Yadda and Rotten Riley - Hahhah, gay flag symbol, hilarious !

    Umbertoecho - I wish I could have been there to see her face. She was probably completely panicking and didn't know how to leave faster.

    NAVYTOWN - Good advice, thing is it doesn't only depend on myself but also on my parents. If they really want to kick him out and make a scene I can't stop them. Well, I could but I won't.

    FactFinder - This is exactly what I hope. We live in this small town which has no JW's. If the meetings stop being held here then I'll live in a 15-20 mile area which is "WT free". I could almost live a normal life and not be bothered by anyone. That's what I want in the long term. Even if I will still theoretically be an active JW, I will live in a place free of all cult people and be normal. My father doesn't really care about any of the "spiritual" crap, my mother cares but she minds her own business. So hopefully, we won't have any WT study held here anymore and we'll be somewhat free of the cult.

  • Phizzy

    Good luck ! We kicked the Group Study out of our home many years ago, over a similar issue, what was really funny was the MS in question was then told by the Elders that they didn't know where to send him, no other Group wanted him !

    He went off on one, and wasn't seen for weeks LOL

    After that experience we never allowed our home to be used again by JW's, they lack respect and basic good manners.


    Ring, rinnnng, ring, rinng.......

    You: Hello???

    WT conductor: Hey, are you ready for next weeks WT lesson?

    You: I have decided that you will need to use another location. This just isn't working.

    WT conductor: Uhhhh...er..mmm

    You: Thanks for understanding.


  • problemaddict


    Here is the point. If you are not an MS, or not in a position you are afraid to lose or care about loosing, you have MUCH mre freedom than you think.

    May I ask what country you are in? Is it a south american country? The culture in various places, plays a large part in how some of these rural MS's view themselves. Especially when they conduct the WT!! My what a priviledge!!

    In your house, you may act as you feel. If he disrespectfully says something passive aggresive, you simply speak out loud on behalf of yourself, and say "brother that is uncalled for and disrespecful. Please think twice before making disrespectful statements to your hosts in the future."

    That ALONE will humiliate him, and you CANNOT be touched. See what I mean? You have nothing to lose, and you cannot be DF'd for pointing out to him he is an asshole while being an asshole. You just can't.

    Enjoy it. Experience it. Its normal to be able to be authentic.

    Also, I am sure there is an article or KM on the length of the meetings and keeping on time. Find one, print it, and counsel him on it.

  • Gayle

    Isn't it cold and flu season? Maybe you could cancel thru the season?

    Does the org 'require' underlining answers? Is it a disfellowshipping or 'marking' offense! This is just too negative and insulting to bring into your home.

    Maybe you should set up a 'contribution' box for 'your' home expense!

  • KiddingMe

    How about underlining the entire WT study? Whatis he going to say then...you underlined too many sentences? Then ask how many sentences are suitable to help him determine whether or not you studied for the WT study.

  • AlphaMan

    This is simple to solve short of telling the uber dub to go F himself. It's your family's house, so pull him aside, embarass him or whatever, but by all means set the ground rules.

    1) He will keep all his opinions to himself.

    2) He will keep the study to 1 hour.

    3) Dare him to make you feel uncomfortable in your own home.

  • SyntaxError1974

    I don't think it's anyone's business wether there are lines in your watchtower or not. It has no bearing on whether you are studied or not.

    True story... I study the simplified version with my daughter. We did the whole lesson, she even had 2-3 comments ready. I ran out of time to study a second time and underline the "regular" version. The one I have to follow along with at the hall.

    That Sunday I had isle mic. I had my bible and watchtower on back counter. While I was taking mic down the isle, nosy elder looked thru my magazine.

    He came up to me after meeting and counseled me about not studying!

    i got a bit upset and told him that if he would have been paying attention he would have noticed that my 6 year old daughter answered twice by herself! She sat by herself while I did the mic.

  • cookiemaster

    problemaddict - you're right, I don't have anything to lose. I live somewhere in Europe, and the local culture wouldn't necessarily aid him in his arrogance. It's just how he is. His children are traumatized. He has 2, 25 + year old daughters and doesn't even allow them to talk on the phone with brothers without his explicit approval, every time.

    -Gayle I love the contribution box idea.

    -Kidding Me - Love your idea also. I'll just underline the whole damn magazine and see what he says them.

    -AlphaMan Maybe it is time to set some ground rules.

    -Syntax Error It sure sucks and can be extremely annoying. I don't know what's their problem as long as you give the right comments during the study.

    Just as an update for everyone. I'll be away on business this Sunday so it's all up to my parents and how they react. I've advised them to be calm and yet firm.

  • leaving_quietly



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