War over preparing for WT study

by cookiemaster 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • steve2

    Apparently, even though the house is in your name, you have written in large letters on the back of your shirt, "I'm a defiant child in need of parental discipline." Are you old enough to own a house? Perhaps the MS is a suitable parent able to correct your evident wilfullness?

    You are treated the way you teach people to treat you. You react like a defiant child (I'm not marking the Watchtower!")and the MS falls into his well practiced role of pushy parent.The way to break a pattern that aggrieves you is to observe your own behavior and find appropriately assertive ways to change it. You could do better than moaning and get you and your family a life away from JW Playschool.

    I suspect though I'm the latest in a long line of people exasperated by your juvenile ways.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I used to sometimes just put lines randomly and as quickly as possible through the Watchtower study article while not even reading it just before I walked out the door to go to the meeting. Took about 5 minutes, hehehe.

  • RottenRiley

    Me too, with five different color highlighers! My Magazine looked like a Gay Flag Symbol (all colors of the rainbow) and the friends were so stupid, "Nice job studying!"

    Yadda if only the World knew what we know about JWs, would they open the door to greet them or slam the door in their faces?

  • factfinder

    I usually underlined my wt study articles, but I did not have a jerk ms checking on me and insulting me and my family like cookiemaster has.

    I hope his family give up meetings altogether and free themselves from the cult.

  • Xanthippe

    People keep asking why do you still go? The Watchtower study is in his house. Read carefully.


    Just say that you are going through a rough period emotionally and can no longer host, or attend, the Watchtower study. Family issues. Nothing that you want to discuss. Refuse to answer any further questions if they are asked. Problem solved!!!

  • umbertoecho

    I just had the elders wife drop off my watch tower (the simplified version no less) I told her that I really could read and had studied lit at uni. Her eyes were rivited to my art laying all over the floor however, as it was of nude women, and women with wings and fangs. She was probably saying a prayer for her safety whilst she avidly stared at them. I told her I could draw her some nice boring houses if she liked,and she said that was good and what did the wings on my drawing represent. I said..............um......anger in this picture and hope in that one..........she said they looked like gargoyles. She couldn't wait to get out of my house. So why don't you hang posters up of naked women with wings and fangs or something. Mind you the christmassy thing sound quite good......

  • stillin

    We went to a book study (the old arrangement) at a se motley located home for a while. The people who lived there didn't even sit in, just ushered us to their sitting room. Wierd. But the elders figured that Jehovah provided.

    Are there any young children in your family? They make a perfect opportunity to come up with all sorts of things. Tell the elders that this brother is causing your children to hate the truth. Use your imagination.

  • punkofnice

    It sounds like this doofus knows it's a cult and is playing it for power....the kind of power he'd never get out there in the sanity of the 'world(TM)'.

  • Splash

    Next time he starts on you, humiliate him in front of the others.

    Ask him why he thinks it's acceptable to be rude to people, then wait for an answer. Don't let him dodge the question.

    Ask him why he's trying to force his own opinions on you. If he says they are not his opinions then ask where it says in the Bible you need to underline stuff.

    Ask him why it's ok for him to ignore the GB's instructions on taking one hour for the WT?
    Drop a bombshell on him like "Are you more righteous than the GB?" or "Are you trying to run ahead of Jehovah's organisation, because that can stumble some?"

    Rip him a new one using some scriptures.


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