War over preparing for WT study

by cookiemaster 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • leaving_quietly

    You could simply tell the elders that your home is no longer available to use for the WT study.

  • LisaRose

    Just say that you and your family cannot continue with him because he is "going ahead" of the organization in making the study over long and adding requirements other than what the FDS requires. Say your conscience is bothering you too much over this. Also he is stumbling you by his Pharisee like requirements in highlighter marking. The best defence is a good offence.

  • notjustyet

    Do they have any recorders out in your parts?

    Be a nice thing to have later, just for fun.


  • Oubliette

    Why do you still go? Just stop. If anyone asks, say the truth, "The MS conducting it is a lunatic!"

  • objectivetruth

    Answer without reading word for word from the WT and see what happens.... Or even better bring up a scripture that is not included in the article..

    No that's too risky, that would be displaying a Haughty attitude : /

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Walk. Walk away. You owe him nothing. Don't let him treat you like that in your own home. Tell him so.

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    Screw that MS brother for pointing that out On stage in front of the cong. That is a removable offense. I support you and your family. Good luck!

  • factfinder

    Cookiemaster- that ms jerk insults your family in your own house during the wt study? What an arrogant shmuck!

    But maybe you should be glad he is being such an a-hole to your family. If you wanted to get your whole family out of the wt cult this ms jerk just might do that for you!

    The idiot has angered and offended your whole family, just give him enough rope to hang himself!

    I hope this ms idiot opens the eyes of your family and they all escape from the cult!

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Oh, god, does this bring back memories.

    Once, we went to a group prep study of the Watchtower at the house of one Lloyd Buchanan. That thing went on and on and on and on. And Lloyd was in love with his own voice and his own answers. The WT study is pretty tedious, anyway, but he made it even worse. I learned real quick to avoid those types of sessions in the future.

  • WTWizard

    If you don't mind getting disfellowshipped (and preferably all together), I would invest in a string of Christmas lights even if the holiday is long gone. There are places you can get them--1000 Bulbs and Christmas Lights Etc sell them all year long. Order about 3 or 4 strings of colored or red/green lights. You can also order a set of ornaments. They do not need to be very elaborate--simple red and green orbs about 10 cm across is enough. A few runs of red and green tinsel garland will add to the effect.

    When the merchandise shows up, you place them prominently in the room to be used for the study. Drape the tinsel garland across the walls, and place the lights up behind the garland. Now, place the ornaments in prominent places along the garland. Those Command adhesive strips are perfect for this--unless you have wallpaper, that is. Now, plug in the lights--if you use LED lights, this is roughly equivalent of your stereo and will use less than the lights needed for the study. You can wait until almost time for the people to show up to plug in the lights. At the same time, download a few Christmas songs from your favorite provider--these are fairly cheap. One CD's worth is probably enough. Put a burned copy of a CD in your stereo and play it, at a low volume. You could even do this when they call for a Kingdumb malady--place a Christmas song in the player.

    When they show up, they are in for a rude surprise. The hounder expects you to pull them down--refuse. If they do so, they are now vandalizing your property and you have the right to call the cops on them. I don't think anyone will feel comfortable spending 2 hours sitting in this room--most jokehovians are so sensitive that even a few Christmas decorations will make them panic. Especially if it is out of season. And having to listen to Christmas music (which is probably better than any Kingdumb malady) will make them panic.

    Bear in mind that there is an excellent chance that you will be disfellowshipped, probably all together, if you pull this off. If you are living with your parents, you will need to be sneaky and make it extra hard to pull down the lights and garland (so it will take your parents a few hours to pull them down) and prepare for discipline, which will probably be less severe than what you would have received for baubles during the study. And it will cost you some money--probably between 100 and 110 US toilet papers for the lights (which are around 20 a string) and garlands/ornaments, and another 15-20 for Christmas song downloads. This is probably in line with what you are expected to donate within the course of a month or 2 anyways, and you save the money by not donating anything.

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