Governing Body Running Scarred and 12-13-14 "Might Be the End"?

by RottenRiley 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xelder

    Hey Riley,

    Would you like to meet some great folks from your area?

  • flipper

    I know this may be naive of me- but who the hell is the " Octo-Pope " ? Anyway, great thread. The fear factor is alive and well within the WT organizations writing committee and WT leaders will use any fear and guilt tactics to keep rank & file JW's in line. Turn off your brains and the mental beatings shall begin. Sick stuff

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    hey flipper...

    " Octo-Pope " = the 8 Watchtower Popes- you know, the Governing Body...

    (Larry, Moe and Curly, Manny, Moe and Jack, Laurel and Hardy = 8)

  • flipper

    SHIRLEY- Oh, O.K. I get it, Octo-pope = 8 GB members. Thanks for the clarification. Pretty funny. I like your comparison to the 3 stooges and Laurel & Hardy with the GB. It's closer to the truth than we know. LOL

  • kaik

    I remember from the 1980's that we were told on Memorial that this could be the last one. When communism was collapsing in 1989, some JW belived that the end was imminent because it was 70 years after 1919 when Jesus had chosed his Christians. That was 25 years ago. For JW, there is some fascination with a specific date, year, number, and they think that can guess it from the Bible. The GB is certainly in a panic mode as the 1914 moved into distant history and no new year is at horizon.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Wow DATADOG, that conversation is one of the scariest things I've ever seen. I would have never dreamed there would be so many "I'd do it" responses. Honestly thought they would be in the minority.

  • Finkelstein

    When I think of the Watchtower Corporation I think of fear, propaganda, corruption, manipulation ,

    coercion and ignorance ...... therefore it must be the truth and god's chosen organization.

  • Gentledawn

    (3) At that time, the lifesaving
    direction that we receive from
    Jehovah’s organization may not appear
    practical from a human standpoint. All
    of us must be ready to obey any instructions
    we may receive, whether these appear
    sound from a strategic or human
    standpoint or not.

    Can probably be explained by point number 4 in that same 17th paragraph:

    (4) Now is the time
    for any who may be putting their trust
    in secular education, material things, or
    human institutions to adjust their thinking.
    The elders must stand ready to help
    any who may now be wavering in their

    Wonder if they'll start having people make out their wills, life insurance policies, homes, land properties, and other "material things", handing them over directly to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    All the generation(s) are aging rapidly. I was born in the 1960s, and am already heading into my golden years (if you wanna call 50s that). Fleecing the sheeple would be a pretty ballsy move, but wouldn't put it past this scam artist bOrginization. Bunch of con artist cultists at the helm of this ship, after all.

  • flipper

    GENTLEDAWN- Your statement, " wonder if they'll start having people make out their wills, life insurance policies, homes, land properties, and other " material things " , handing them over directly to the Wtchtower Bible and Tract Society . " The WT Society has ALREADY been doing this for YEARS now - one reason it's a billion $$$$$ money making corporation. JW's are being duped and scammed out of their money with the promise f everlasting life in an alleged " Paradise " which will never come and doesn't exist. It's a marketing scam. Very sad. Many older JW's have given millions or thousands to this criminal organization. Disgusting

  • kaik

    Gentledawn, as far I know, people deed their properties to local branches once they came out of illegality in former Czechoslovakia. They used to have extensive villa in one the best addresses in Prague, summer cottage house in Central Bohemia, etc. All these properties were given by dying members of the organization. Last year the local JW has learned that their branch is closing down due consolidation...

    Of course all the members are aging, nobody was able to stop the biological clock, it is just normal process of living where the death awaits us all. For many JW is this a huge disappointment as they believed that they will never die. I remember as a schoolboy when my JW aunt was telling me in the 1970's how the Armageddon is about to happen, and I will not need to go to school anymore. 40 years later, I am still here, and she is dead for 13 years!

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