Updated Chronological Timeline of the Great Tribulation -- after the New Light from July Watchtower

by FusionTheism 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 3rdgen

    Vidiot, Glad you asked LOL

    Watchtower has weeded out some of that possibility by having those with "bad desires" including "bad JWs" killed off at Armageddon. Those who are resurrected or born after the big A or anyone else who develop "bad desires" are taught the "ways of Jehovah" and are given time to change. Those who want to, then magically only have "good" desires. Those who don't are killed poof, no need to wait till the final test after the 1,000 years.

    Where does it say this in the Bible? Glad you asked. It doesn't. This information is available in a more reliable source- the Watchtower. I read all of the above info there so it HAS to be right. Unless, of course, there is NU LITe.

  • NewYork44M

    What you describe, is not that much different that what I was taught.

    The problem is coming up with scriptures to justify the events and the order of events. My first awakening was going through what I was taught and trying to justify these events by scriptures - based upon what I found, it can't be done.

  • richgirl
    I really don't think the article in the July WT is saying that there will be an opportunity for members of Christendom to repent after the start of the great tribulation. The wording in the simplified edition is pretty ambiguous though, and could be read to mean that. The July 15th 2013 study edition, in the article, "Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?" (page 7, par 13) it is clearly stated that before the great tribulation starts people will have time to change their thinking. Some found that article ambiguous as well, eg. I had an elder phone me excitedly saying that people would have an opportunity to come over to Jehovah's side after the start of the trib. But that was not what the article was saying at all. I think the timeline chart on pages 4 and 5 confused some because it said that the "judging of sheep and goats" occurs after the trib, but really they are judged based on what they did before the trib starts.

    The whole thing is wack! How can the door of the "ark" close if there is no type/anti-type clearly spelled out in the bible that says the ORG is the Ark?!?!

    If there is no anti-typical "ark" embodied by the WTBTS, then there can't be a "door" of said "ark" that closes at the start of the GT, which is itself an unfounded "type/secondary fulfillment" with no scriptural support. Therefore, no one can be judged for not boarding a non-existent ark.


  • Finkelstein

    False prophets die hard and this one will die eventually.

    From out this organization of false prophecies , thousands of people let themselves needless die

    from not taking a blood transfusion and millions of families have been broken apart and disseminated.

    Not to mention millions have let their own lives go to waste serving this false prophet.

    Nice going Watchtower Corporation ! ......... assholes

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    List your references please.


  • Finkelstein
    Are you talking to me Esse quam videri ???
  • steve2

    Well, in their (admittedly lame) defense, they're just stating "what"; they're not stating "when".

    Fair enough - although, I must say Vidiot, that it invites the "when" given it is called a Timeline. Also, the speculative reference in 6 to a period of up to 4 years doesn't help dispel the notion that this is a timelined "countdown" of sorts - but a 'hedging-their-bets' one.

  • Monsieur
    Data dog, u bring up an interesting possibility. That the gb will go missing on purpose, claiming that the rapture has occurred. Can u imagine the reaction in jw land? The question is, will jws start making crazy decisions, quitting jobs, buying house s, etc ?? And wat an out for the gb, take the money grow a beard and disappear until death...
  • millie210
    Thanks Millie210, I'll research that parable!

    Maybe this is it Injustice?

    The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (also called the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard or the Parable of the Generous Employer) is a parable of Jesus which appears in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament.

    According to Matthew 20:1–16 Jesus says that any "laborer" who accepts the invitation to the work in the vineyard (said by Jesus to represent the Kingdom of Heaven), no matter how late in the day, will receive an equal reward with those who have been faithful the longest.


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