Should Creationism Ever Be Taught In Schools?

by nicolaou 77 Replies latest social current

  • nicolaou

    This is taken from the BBC's Sunday morning show 'The Big Questions'. I was going to pick out a few highlights but really, you need to watch the whole thing - it's only 23 minutes. Seriously, I could feel the bile and frustration rising in my gullet . . .

    Can hardly believe that I found theologian Canon Jennings to be the voice I was drawn to most . . . (not completely mind . . )

    Pay particular attention to a Creationists definition of 'facts' at 7.30

  • Phizzy


  • besty

    I feel so sorry for that idiots children - it really ought to be a crime to coerce children in abusive religions

  • besty

    "aposticated" - new word

  • OnTheWayOut

    Seems similar to JWN in many ways- start a fire with a question.

  • designs

    It could be included in a History class or Comparative Religions class on what people believe. Like the Christian World believing in Geocentrism before Galileo.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Here's a way to shut this debate down for all religions, but especially Christians (as they push the hardest to have the biblical "Christian" version of creation taught in schools):

    Okay, we'll teach creationism in school...but EVERY religion's version gets taught, not just the Christian one. And, this includes ancient religion's versions too-which includes a flat earth and an earth supported on the back of an elephant, a tortoise, whatever...

    Once the Christians realize every religion gets equal time, no matter how absurd, the debate would die a quick death....

  • nonjwspouse

    Fisrt I did not listen to the video, my computer is messed up right now. I can not coment on that in particular.

    Yes creationism should be an option to teach, but on a county by county decision. Schools are for learning about important beliefs that shaped the world. This is a big one among others. Interestingly, our school did teach about Islam beliefs ( and that it was the religion of the majority of people on earth) , and the flat earth belief, etc, as well, and evolution. This was in a public school in the mid 70's in the bible belt of the USA

    Government should NOT be dictating one over the other in our schools. But in the same token, if one school decides to teach it and another not, that should be the decision of the school, or county etc, (voters) not by an overall government decision. At that point it is a decision of the comnmunity.

    Choices is what America was founded on, not dictatorship over beliefs.

  • designs

    Shirley- I prefer the turtle swimming in the cosmic sea story...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    njws: Interestingly, our school did teach about Islam beliefs....and the flat earth belief


    There's a difference between learning about different religions, concepts, etc. and being told these things are true, fact.

    Question: did your school teach that some ancient cultures believed in a flat earth? Or, that the earth IS flat ? See the difference? One is trivia...the other is an absurd lie.

    The religious proponents (nut jobs) in the video want schools to teach as fact the earth is only 6,000-10,000 years old. Really?


    designs: I prefer the turtle swimming in the cosmic sea story...

    ADCMS: who doesn't?

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