Did your congregation have a "Pioneer Appreciation Day"?

by Coffee House Girl 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustVisting

    I have heard of special get-togethers arranged for the pioneers, elders and other wannabes around these parts. I cannot say I blame them for wanting private parties where they exclude the amharets.

    BTW Outlaw, that's hilarious. Thanks!

  • rebel8

    I don't remember a specific day.

    I recall the COs and elders periodically scolding the publishers for not chipping in for gas and then they'd do better for a while.

    I remember they'd also say us poor pioneers can't afford food, clothes and to do fun things, so wouldn't it be nice if people invited us over for dinner. And then they'd do it for a while.

    I don't remember getting gas cards or roses.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It seems to be a harmless enough idea until you realize that the Bible makes no mention of Jesus or his apostles getting any extra recognition for their efforts and is silent in regard to drawing extra attention to good for nothing slaves who are only doing what they "ought" to be doing.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Yes they did that around here every year . A special dinner for the pioneers usually at an Elders home .

  • Virgochik

    My elderly widowed mother texted me on Christmas day that she was going to a dinner for the pioneers. She's darn near eighty, on a very small income and driving an ancient car, but they invited her to a special dinner and paid attention to her, so she's hooked into pioneering. I voiced those concerns, as well as asking if it was wise for her to be out in bitter cold and ice, since she's had pneumonia before, but she airily assured me the brothers are looking out for her. I guess doing this on December 25 was their way of proving they had nothing to do with celebrating Christmas and had genuinely important business to conduct. Funny, they profess to be a Christian religion.

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Thanks for everyone's replies, it is interesting, I guess "Pioneer Appreciation Day" all depends on the congregation, the elder body, and probably most influenced by the elder's wives (especially if they are regular pioneers, they want to get some acknowledgement of their efforts).

    It is funny that my mother used to condem that kind of "glorifying" special people in the congregation...it is easy to be critical when you are outside of the cool clique, but now that she regular pioneers I suppose she feels differently (especially if she is willing to drive on icy roads even though she is recovering from knee replacement surgery).

    I love reading your perspectives!


  • RubaDub

    They used to do it in my old congregation but they stopped it when a sister kept giving lap dances to the pioneer brothers.

    Rub a Dub

  • jeremiah18:5-10

    In the early to mid 90's I was a part of a congregation as a ms and pioneer where we did this. The body enjoyed a very rare unity and chemistry. They were, we were all very tight knit and it felt like real teamwork. Those days were very enjoyable for my wife and I. Later when I became an elder I always strived to recreate that chemistry but it never happened. These guys all genuinely liked each other. Slowly the body changed as different ones moved away. Sadly it degenerated into disunity and discord. Those pioneer appreciation days were great though. One of the few good memories I take away from my time in the religion.

  • Magwitch

    We have always had a special dinner for the pioneers. It is the norm here in Colorado. Every year it seemed to get more and more extravagant. The elders would foot the bill. Since my ex was a regular pioneer and an elder the expence really hurt. One year we had 32 reg pioneers and their mates, plus the elders and wives. We rented a place and I volunteered to make a Ukrainian meal for everyone. (being my heritage). I was cooking for days. The best part was that we purchased good Russian vodka. I was flat on back for a week after that.

  • tiki

    Wow......this is the first I've ever heard of such a thing...........all I know is that when they had the pioneer school at the hall it was a privilege for the local sisters to provide meals..........

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