This photo woke me up

by krejames 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • moomanchu

    One of Jehovah's better ideas, leather-up Adam and Eve. Adam's tunic is manly with the thicker fur. I find rabbit fur hats to be very warm. Thanks Jehovah!!!

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I remember as a child watching a nature show and how everything seemed so sweet and then it was dinner time for the animals and it felt very disturbing. All these years i find myself understanding they have to eat as I do but it never stops feeling terrible. Nature is beautiful and brutal at the same time and my internal feelings cannot find resolution.

  • Simon

    It's interesting, I found the crazy WT where they claimed animals weren't designed to kill not only constradicted the arguments they used for 'creation by design' (e.g. eye of an eagle, speed of a cheetah etc...) but was so laughably unbelievable that no one in their right mind could possibly believe it. I mean really? Sharks are the ultimate killing machine but we're supposed to believe their ability to 'smell' blood and all those sharp teeth are just a coincidence that helped when eating see-weed? How the hell did a shark "learn to kill from man" for goodness sake? What about creatures nowhere near human civilization?

    The significant thing though was not the belief itself but that it was something you knew was wrong that they were teaching. That made you look at lots of things with a whole new perspective and new mindset that "this might be a lie too". Of course the whole thing comes crashing down very quickly after that.

    This is why the religious are so keen to defend any and all beliefs, however trivial or unimportant they really are because it's a domino effect, a house of cards.

    But of course they can't resist being arrogant and pretending they have an answer for everything which is why they are in the mess they are.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    watson: "But after the resurection, it will be like it never happened!!"

    Problem being, this IS one of the resurrected baby gazelle in the future earthly paradise.

    "NOT AGAIN!! OH GOD, WHY?!?!?!?!?"

  • wallsofjericho

    I always wondered why lions, tigers, etc were created with fangs to eat grass. Why all those venomous snakes, lizards, frogs, insects etc needed poison to kill plants.

    I'm sure some uber-dub will say Satan caused it without considering that such a statement would put Satan equal to God with creative powers. Of course if Jehovah did it after Adam & Eve were ousted then He wan't exactly "resting" during that sabbath rest day was he?

    what about sharks? Polar bears? and don't even get me started on Dinosaurs!!

    EDIT - yes Simon, falcons dive at 20o/mph to catch Lilly seeds.... they spin so fast!

  • pontoon

    Even as a child I never believed the pet lion crap. Always expected the borg to change all that nonsense and say it was symbolic. Also used to wonder why Able became a herder of sheep. Why? What for? In fact what were the sheep for? Cain was much smarter growing food. Nancy Drew, well said. Simon, so true, an animal is what it is. Everything about a cat is designed to kill mice. An owl has different tools, but everything about an owl is designed to kill mice. Toss a frog to the center of my pond and it swims as fast as it can to the shore because it knows it's in danger (largemouth bass, frog ain't gonna make it) It's the way it is and the way it will stay whether it all was designed and created that way or it all happened some other way.

  • SuperBoy

    And let's not forget our favourite park bird - The Mallard Duck. What a dirty little creature he is, reflecting ... God's glory. No hang on, that can't be right.

    - Will forcibly mate with lone females - whether the same species of duck or not, and whether she has a brood of ducklings or not.
    - Ducks that have not successfully 'partnered' will join forces to forcibly copulate with another female. Or male actually. And not even alive.

    So that's rape and necrophilia in one!

    Of course, every imperfection in nature is Satan's fault.

  • redvip2000

    I'm sure some uber-dub will say Satan caused it without considering that such a statement would put Satan equal to God with creative powers.

    At least Satan had a better concept it seems. He setup a food chain structure to maintain a balance in the eco system. It seems Jehoober just decided to drop a bunch of animals on the planet without any organization.

  • krejames

    Wow some great comments on here since i last looked. It's ironic that some of the more outlandish/funny ones are really the kind of thing I would have said back in my time in JW land, without thinking about whether I really believed myself. How embarrassing! Thanks for the comments everyone - loads of food for thought (vegetarian food, not involving any distress to animals of course )... a few things I'm going to keep in mind for discussion with still-in family and friends, if I get the opportunity.

  • Magwitch

    Although this picture is very difficult to look at it is the only way the cat kingdom can survive. cats have to have meat to stay alive and that includes even the house cat. I read recently that cats only kill enough to survive, they do not kill something for sport nor do they leave it half eaten. My 3 cats are ferocious hunters and they eat everything they kill from rats to rabbits to snakes, birds, gophers etc.(Yes, I had to get a mention in about my felines - sorry)

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