Who is easier to indoctrinate, men or women?

by kneehighmiah 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apognophos

    I think that many women are desperate for a just world, so more turn to religion.

    An interesting thought. One social theory about religion is that the disadvantaged turn to it for moral support. Those who "have their paradise now", as we would sometimes say as Witnesses, tend to have little interest in religion.

    Seeing as women are somewhat disadvantaged in first world societies, more disadvantaged in the third world (someone mentioned lack of education opporunities for women), and extra-disadvantaged within the realm of the JW religion, you can see how they would feel a stronger need for a heavenly Judge and Lawgiver.

  • losingit

    Cofty-- what was the point of citing those apcrypha scriptures?You post with no explanation. I'd love to hear how you think those texts have to do with this thread. Thanks....

  • losingit

    Apognophos-- I appreciate that insight.

  • incognito2014


    For the same reason they fall for the nonense of psychics

    "Women were also found to be twice as likely to visit a psychic than men"


    and the same reason they fall for horoscopes

    "surveys show that women more often read them than men do"


  • cofty

    Cofty-- what was the point of citing those apcrypha scriptures?You post with no explanation. I'd love to hear how you think those texts have to do with this thread. Thanks.... - losingit

    Just pointing out that the conflicts between the sexes in christianity is nothing new. Peter and Jesus both held a dim view of women.

  • scotoma

    It depends on what is being sold. A lot of men join crazy religious groups because a woman hooked them. Men are suckers. Sex sells. Even religion.

    Biologically, women in general are more dependent than men. YES! It is biological and not just the way they are raised. Notice I didn't say all women. There are a small minority of women who will scrap with men and they will work on oil rigs, join the military, become prison guards, truck drivers etc.

    This dependent frame only means that women will fill the seats at churches. And as jgnat said they value the social network. Dependency searches for the security provided by a network of friends and family.

    Alcoholic men will grab onto anything to be able to conquer their monkey. I have seen brilliant men with scientific background who are religious because they needed a "higher power" to make AA work for them.

    So basically it depends on how crapped up your life is.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I know it's tempting to say women based on the high ratio of women to men among JWs. But I don't think indoctrination is the real reason for the high percentage of women. I think it's emotiation (if there is such a word, LOL), the emotional equivalent of indoctrination.

    Women tend to be very nurturing, social, emotionally intelligent creatures. The JW environment - and many church environments - caters to those qualities. So for that reason women tend to be more attracted to it than men resulting in higher retention rates of women than men.

    In other words, although there are more women than men, it is not doctrine that is pulling the women more than the men, but the social community. The women are in it less so for the doctrine than the men are.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    as far as christianity goes, my observation is that women are more religious than men in general. i don't know if this also applies to islam, hinduism or buddhism.

  • cofty

    I think that the attraction that many women feel for Jesus is "complicated".


    Well, cofty, all women are looking for the perfect male and Jesus claims to be just that. Self-praise is no man’s recommendation, except when one is god’s son.

    Complicated is good because it covers a multitude of sins.

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