Thoughts on going back, am I the only one that feels this way?

by excaliber 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeffro


    How do I feel about watchtower lies? Well I think all religion is a lie, so what is the difference.

    There's no reason at all why you should choose any of them.

  • Crazyguy

    I know if I go in to a bathroom eventually I'll have the relief of taking a shit. But that does'nt mean I want to hang out in there all the time.

  • 2+2=5

    Crazyguy, how would the "relief of taking a shit" apply to joining the JWs in your analogy.

    I undestand the "hanging out in the bathroom" part, but what relief would come with going back to the KH? Death?

  • excaliber

    I understand the fear of not wanting to go back for fear of getting caught cursing or going to the club etc. But I plan to do more then that.... I plan to go too the hall drunk and eating like 100 mints so people cant smell it. I plan on having a lot of fun with it. I want to set a record for giving the most of topic and incorrect coment in history. I want to say im anointed and drink The whole glass of wine and then ask for more and chese for my crackers lol.

    It wont be like putting glass in my anus. It will be like shoving glass up the governing bodys anus lol

  • Hortensia

    Religion isn't all there is in the world. All religion sucks, in my opinion. Turn your back on it and get involved in something truly interesting and worthwhile, rather than playing silly games at the KH.

    There is so much to do, to learn, to see outside the KH and loads of really great people to meet. If you're young, why aren't you backpacking around Europe or hiking some of the wonderful trails in the wilderness or going to school to become someone really interesting yourself?

    Go have fun, go learn, go live!

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    I am sure it has been said before. There are better things to do with your life. I let my children be in that cult for 17 and 14 years respectively (since birth) simply because the people around them were nice. What a lazy father I was, who allowed so much waste of their time simply because my children were babysat by a bunch of nice people. Don't be lazy and put yourself to do better things. The world needs critical thinkers to solve real problems, not fakers wasting their precious time. Use your talents to your benefit and the benefit of others.

  • LivingTheDream


    I personally think you are experiencing a form of Stockholm snydrome. This is a psychological phenomenon that sometimes occurs in kidnapping victims, but also can occur in any abusive relationship including religious cult indoctrination.

    The victim comes to irrationally and traumatically bond with the perpetrators of their harrassment, abuse and intimidation. It results in strong emotional ties between the victim and the perpetrators where the victim can "miss" them or even defend them.

    My advise to you is to hold out going back for as long as you can and to fill your life with something else, anything else, but preferably something constructive.

    I went through these feelings myself, but was able to shake them when I filled my life with other things. Eventually I realized I never needed to be around those people at all and it was all in my head.

    Brock Talon

  • truthhurts13

    I think about going back all time. There's a couple hot chicks at the KH down the street from me that I wouldn't mind havin a go at

  • jwfacts

    If there is no other religion to go too, why leave were I was born and raised.

    It would be more sense to phrase it "If there is no other religion to go to, why be part of any religion?"

    I understand it is easier to remain a JW for friends at your age. But few people can remain part of a lie for their entire lives, and the longer you put off leaving, the harder it becomes to find new friends. Finding another JW to fade with is also fraught with risk.

    If you leave now, over time you will assimilate with normal people, and hopefully be able to get married and have a happy and heathly environment to raise the next generation of your family line in.

  • LisaRose

    I have never even considered going back. It was such a relief to get away from the tedium of meeting attendance, I would rather hit my head with a hammer than do any more. And I should get frequent flyer miles for all the guilt trips I was subjected to. I get that it might be fun to go back and play the system, but in the long run I don't think most people would find it fulfilling.

    My sister went back after thirty years, she was going to loose access to her grandchildren. She told me "I know the Watchtower lied". The idea was to get reinstated and do a fade. Within six months she was drinking the kool-aid, I kid you not. Do not underestimate the power of cult mind conditioning. Even if you know TTATT you will be affected. Just sayin'.

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