My Story

by Brother Mike 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Repetition for emphasis - go find your best friend and empathise with him. Show him how much you still want him as your friend, regardless of how his mindset has changed. Your love for him hasn't!

  • jgnat

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your father. I like the suggestion of a mini-vacation. It might help to get some perspective. I also like the idea of looking up your best friend who recently left the Witnesses. Great friends are like gold and I am sure you both are in need of reassurance.

    20 "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." - Matthew 18:20

    9 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. 10 For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

  • flipper

    Brother Mike- I'm so sorry on the loss of your father in death. My deepest condolences to you on your loss. It's hard losing friends as well, but friends can be replaced ; losing our dads in death cannot. Please know and be aware that we are here for you anytime when you need support. Just PM any of us here and we'd be glad to chat with you on the phone sometime. At least I would. Hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome back Brother Mike, Before you contemplate anything irreversible and permanent, please see a counselor to help you make wise decisions. Life goes through cycles, sometimes life is very good and sometimes it can cause one great sorrow. Only you can shoose what to do with your life.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Mike. Give yourself time. Be good to yourself. Take care of yourself.


  • AudeSapere

    [on my way out. marking to read later.]

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I hope your path in life gets smoother as you understand TTATT (the truth about the truth). It is hard to comprehend how you (all of us) could be lied to, used and abused and kicked to the curb by WT GB JW.ORG. But that is the real truth.

    I am sorry about the death of your Dad. I do not know if you and he were born in's that believed what WT GB JW.ORG says, that we will never die, but it is a lie. All living things die.

    Watch Tower enjoys scaring people of all ages with the threat of The Big "A". They intentionally scare you to control you and use you. Nasty, cruel and wicked and evil.

    All of us have to rebuild our lives, once we wake up. It is hard but it can be done.

    I encourage you to keep posting. Even if you can't speak, use 'sign' language found underneath the yellow happy face.


  • scary21

    Brother Mike, So sorry about your dad. I still miss my dad. He has been gone for 25 yrs this Dec. 24. I am happy you are posting again. So many people here care about you and will be there for you.

    Hugs Sherry

  • Hortensia

    I'm sorry to hear about your father. That's a lot of loss to go through in a short time.

  • nancy drew

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