The Signs of the Declines

by Londo111 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111
  • emeth

    In my circuit (in the netherlands) i see small growth too

  • anonymouz

    The congregations of stumbled out or away are probably at 10% growth, from not exclusivley JWs, but from the overall negative press web campaign. The real JW growth rate is probably around 1 or 2%, if not negative at times. The trend is pretty much irreversible as it took a good twenty years to reach this point with noticeable declines in spite of refined ministerial devices and a couple billion more people on planet earth.

    Thus the tree is drying up and so is the fruitage. The balance of funding needs is at bare minimum (they already have a billion in hard assets to plunder) as Bethel's success is actually in the stumbled numbers because a trend this developed cannot be simply accidental but requires a purposeful catalyst and sustaining reality.

    In my opinion the overall pattern indicates a mass stumbling development will occur at some point in this travesty, and will reach the goal of actual sustained negative growth in published form substantiated from an abrupt event that will have a multi-year momentum of marked decline, in fact the whole organization may also go down for a number of years. Only a real reformation could bring the sunk ship up as a few life boats a number of years later, with a greatly reduced core JW population that could then appeal to more people minus the hypocrisy drag that must have a complete low point at some period in this notable cycle of decline. It cannot just remain static in a non-linear sense of predictable decline, an abruption is what seems to be indicated as quite possible in this downward spiral trajectory.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I can think of at least 5 congs dissolved/merged within 100-150 miles radius here.

    Mid-week meeting attendance is not unusual to be at only 80%, and would be even worse if phone hookups were not available.


  • Crazyguy

    Let not forget the age issue. As the baby boomers die and all the ones that came in before 1975 I wonder what effect this will have. But I too will probably be dead to since I to was a jionie in 1975.

  • LV101

    Love the title of your post - truly sounds like good news and can't wait to read this -


  • Bugbear

    Here are some facts from Scandinavia.

    1.They have closed two assembly halls. And are discussing to close even another

    2. they have shut down branch offices in Oslo and Arboga and fired almost all persons who worked there.

    3. The branch offices in Estonia and Latvia are closed and moved to Helsinki.

    4. A number of congregations on country side have been merged with others

    Is the Soc. Increasing or decreasing its activities in Scandinavia?



  • emeth

    @Bugbear the closing and selling of assembly halls has to do with a new strategy. They are going to build new and bigger assembly halls in 7 european countries. In that way they have to rent less locations for conventions and are reducing costs by maintaining bigger assembly halls instead of a few smaller ones.

    The Netherlands is the first european country where such a hall will be made with about 3 X the capacity of existing ones.

  • cantleave

    I wonder if there is correlation between growth and economic cycle? Do cults gain converts during tmes of recession?

  • Bugbear

    I see!? So now they are looking for vouluntary carpenters, plumbers, electricians and "gifts" to build all these "new strategies" assembly halls? when they are delivered by these "free voulunters", they could be sold with a great profit. It´s a brilliant business idea.


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