The Signs of the Declines

by Londo111 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    About the circuit I grew up in:

    Last decade, a congregation was dissolved.

    Last year, about a half a dozen or so congregations meeting in a double-hall got re-orged and it works out to one less congregation. They received all new territories, bodies of elders, publishers. The identity of the former congregations got put into a giant “theocratic” blender.

    This year, two congregations that met in one hall were merged.

    Of course, I’m relatively out of touch with the circuit, since I’ve been faded for over a year. However, in the last decade, the congregation is three less congregations (at least). I believe it is indicative that in the US English-speaking territories, there is a gradual decline.

    From what I've gathered, re-orgs are now common in many places.

    How about in your area? Any signs of decline?

  • steve2

    Yes, there is a trend of reduced growth in English-speaking congregations here in New Zealand. Family still in the organization inadvertently "share" the state of the organization in this country. Mid-week meeting attendances are well down on Sunday's Watchtower study (okay, this meeting has always been better attended compared with mid-week meetings - but the discrepancy is growing). Rural congregations are struggling - this could be because of the move to metropolitan areas - but there is not a subsequent increase in numbers of English-speaking Witnesses joining city kingdom halls.

    To be fair, foreign language congregations (e.g., Thai speaking) are flourishing.


    To be fair, foreign language congregations (e.g., Thai speaking) are flourishing.

    This might be due in part to the cultures of these congregations. They may be treating the truth like a social club where they can maintain their country of origin's language and association. Which works until it dawns on them that they have, in fact, joined a cult.

  • Oubliette

    Londo, you're clearly confused. Everything you've described is, in fact, actually signs of growth among Jehovah's progressive organization!

    How can you not understand that?

    You sound like you've been engaging in independent thinking and perhaps have even been visiting apostate web-sites.


  • Londo111

    Yes, where is SFPW when we need him? LOL.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, things in the religion are in a decline but they would try to hide that fact.

    Re-organizations are common and I believe it is an effort to reshuffle people because of a decline in one place or another.

  • Finkelstein

    It appears that newly relocated immigrants are more acceptable to join or adopt a religious organization

    in their new location just to feel more attached toward that cultural homeland.

    Being that the JWs do come to people's homes where others don't this would likely support this theory even more.

    You've got to remember folks that the human population is ever increasing and people are more capable to move and relocate

    to a different country more so than any time in human history.

  • sir82

    In western lands, the native-language congregations have been stagnating or are even in decline, over the past 10-15 years. That what the OP is describing.

    Congregations which target immigrants still have pretty good success at recruitment. It's those immigrant-congregations that are driving the modest 1-2% overall growth rates in JW-dom. They grow so much that it more than offsets the malaise of the other congregations.

    By the way, the JW growth in imigrant groups has little or nothing to do with the actual JW message, IMHO.

    Imagine you are a dirt poor immigrant who has left home with literally no more than the clothes on your back. You work 60 or 70 hours a week, sending half or more of your paycheck back home so your extended family of 20 or 30 people can eke out a living.

    Now here comes Jose and Maria Witness, who 3 years ago were immigrants like you. They arrived in your neighborhood with an obviously wealthy American driving a $50,000 SUV. Jose and Maria are deressed nicely and have obviously learned the native language, as well as your own.

    They give you lots of easy-to-read literature in your own language and invite you to a JW meeting. You go and you see 80-100 recent immigrants just like you - but they're all so friendly, and here you are 5000 miles from home and you know no one.

    Guess what - you're gonna join up for the social aspects.

    The JW message could be Mormonism, or Amway, or Herbalife or whatever - doesn't matter, to Felipe Immigrant, it's a way to fit in more quickly.

  • steve2

    You've got to remember folks that the human population is ever increasing and people are more capable to move and relocate

    to a different country more so than any time in human history.

    Yes, and it's also a fine way to disappear from the JW scene without bother or fuss. We love to hear stories of brothers and sisters going to where the need is greater and virtually dropping off the side of the earth.

  • KateWild

    Nope not in our area in the UK. Everything is growing. Language groups, urban and suburban congs. Don't live near any rural areas so I can't comment on them.

    Last assembly two converts got baptised nevermind all the kids. plus lots of studies attending meetings too. Lots of growth here guys. But lots of moving around in the circuit too. One cong had a big elders hoo haa, and lots moved to one cong and lots stayed. But the building has been sold off, so the current two congs have to share different KHs now.

    But we also have a big XJW community in the area with all the 1980's and 1990's born in kids. Most are leaving, but the growth is still there. Probably due to immigrants aswell. In our area in the UK we have lots from Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Poland, Check Rep, Slovakia, Malta, Congo, thats in our cong. But there are lots from all the Arab countries that don't set foot in the KH. Mind I brought one from Yemen for a bit.

    No noticible decline here

    Kate xx

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