The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Stand for Pure Worship The purpose of examining the Watchtower Society's explanations as to why their predictions failed has little to do with serving with a date in mind. The Watchtower Society's has taken it upon itself to claim that it is the sole channel of communication between mankind and Jehovah.

    The Watchtower Society's failure to accurately explain the meaning of Jesus’ words, reflect badly not just on them but also on their God Jehovah. Either Jehovah has failed to communicate with the Watchtower Society or the Watchtower Society are frauds.

    We live in a world where imperfect humans can send totally accurate communication around the world in seconds. Is the God of the universe is incapable of communicating with humans, even with the help of the Watchtower Society? In your opinion who has failed, the Watchtower Society or Jehovah?

  • westiebilly11

    yes things were much much worse many years much for 'critical times hard to deal with'....I write this as i sit in a comfortable armchair with a hot cup of tea nearby and enjoying a nature tv program..with my supper cooking in the kitchen........we have never 'had it so good' as someone once said......!

  • frankiespeakin

    The generation that knows no end stays on the watch with the latest news from printing corporation delusionally and affectionately callled "God's Visible Organization" a corporation's dream come true.

    Looks like the old boys running the show are trying to milk this 1914 generation thing to the limit or atleast until they end they die.

  • KateWild

    What scriptural proof do they give for this statement?-cantleave

    The scriptural teaching of two groups of anointed is in Acts. Only thing is it is in 33 CE the Jews, and 36 CE statring with Cornelius the gentiles. So the modern day groups are obviously spurious.

    Also in the first century everyone was anointed


    Pixel asked, " Question: Why the WT/FDS/GB stops at 2 overlapping generations? Why 2? "

    TTATT ELDER answered," Cutting it off at 2 generations - Creates Urgency. Doomsday groups have to have urgency to keep membership up."

    DD says , " Why must it be 2 generations?! For the same reason that a "collective" FDS has to be 8, instead of ALL partakers! 2 overlapping generations is an idea that the GB love!!"

    Don't forget that we don't even know if Sanderson is part of the " overlapper " class or not. He is definitely part of the " dunlapper " class, as his belly has dun-lapped over his belt. Sorry hungry JW kids, the GB don't do charity work...

    Gladiator said, " The purpose of examining the Watchtower Society's explanations as to why their predictions failed has little to do with serving with a date in mind." Yep, no one tries the guilt-trips like JWs. Mention a problem that needs fixin', like pedophiles perhaps, and you are being negative and prideful. Say the GB is wrong and you are not a "true" Christian who serves out of a pure motive. Wouldn't using the whole " serving with a date " thing amount to a strawman argument?

    SFPW, I wondered when you would show up. I hope Apostagirl heard you...because no one believes that any generation stretches on as long as the WTBTS, not even the dictionary. DOn't forget that this latest "idea" only came into being because the GB were wrong in the past. The "prophet-like" Organization has much to answer for.


  • KateWild

    DD- I think Sanderson is the greater Cornelius of the second group----it all fits into place now....yum this koolaid tastes nice

    Kate xx

  • konceptual99


    I shared a similar view to you for many years. I refused to get drawn into speculation on when Armageddon may come simply because I'd never been encouraged to serve for a date. I also thought it did not matter.

    The problem is that the generation is part of the signs that Jesus gave. It is just as important as any of the other components of Matt 24. The society has tied themselves to a starting point of 1914 and for years used an essentially literal interpretation of the word to engender a sense of urgency and immediacy.

    It is now beyond any reasonable definition of the word "generation" so the society is forced to develop some alternative explanation. The problem is now that this definition is not scriptural. It cannot be backed up by scripture. It is not scriptural. BTW - it's not scriptural.

    On top of that there is nothing going on that adequately reflects any further outworkings of prophecy. You can refer to general "signs of the times" but look beyond that. Where is the King of the North? Where is there any sign that the UN will turn on religion? Signs that were used in the past such as "signs in the heavens" which were interpreted as the space race and ICBMs have convieniently been moved into the future. In fact, every notable sign that would reinforce progress along the prophetic timeline is now in the future.

    Now you can beleive that a bunch of assemblies in the 20s were angels blowing trumpets and you can naively beleive the WTS were the only people in the world to foresee the UN (even though that was post event) but frankly there is not much they can say has come true.

    1914 would have been a non-event if WWI had not coincidentally kicked off and therefore is still crucial to the doctrine. You can't dump it and/or dump the generation without blowing a big hole in the entire last days doctrine. What point is a sign if it means nothing?

    So carry on kidding yourself that actually you are even more spiritual for not being bothered about the march of time if that's what you really want to do. The reality is the that only thing you are getting closer to is the day of your death. Wake up and stop wasting your time.

  • konceptual99


    What scriptural proof do they give for this statement?-cantleave

    The scriptural teaching of two groups of anointed is in Acts. Only thing is it is in 33 CE the Jews, and 36 CE statring with Cornelius the gentiles. So the modern day groups are obviously spurious.

    Also in the first century everyone was anointed

    Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen any scriptural evidence for two overlapping groups. Do you have the references?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Par 15: 'We understand that in mentioning “this generation,” Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians.'

    I can't decide which word best describes the thinking process of the GB of the WTBTS: Bonehead, buffoon, dimwit, numskull, scatterbrain, nincompoop or birdbrain!

    How about all the above!

  • KateWild

    Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen any scriptural evidence for two overlapping groups. Do you have the references?

    You are correct there is no mention of overlapping groups, or even groups for that matter. Just the fact that 3000 were baptised and anointed with holy spirit in 33 CE, and then later in Acts Cornelius was anointed and baptised in 36 CE for, he was a gentile, and then it was opened up to all to be anointed.

    No groups, sub groups, or first and second groups mentioned.

    Kate xx

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