Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)

by slimboyfat 406 Replies latest jw friends

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I expect he'll be back someday

  • flipper

    I wish you the best. You have to try to fit in wherever you can fit in at. But as regards there being no " hope outside the truth " - there is ALWAYS hope in real truth. There is NO hope inside the WT organization or Jehovah's Witnesses as they have lied to their people since 1879 for 134 years about a fantasy paradise where they'll allegedly " live forever ". So you are right- there IS no hope " outside the truth ". That's why you should re-consider going back to a mind control organization that does NOT have your best interests at heart or does NOT have real truth just lies and only has their financial $$$$$$ pocketbooks in mind . Please think about it

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Nearly every cult ,religion, political belief, way of understanding life etc. has an element of truth about it and a religion based on the Bible will always have at its core an interpretation problem. It boils down to maybe this interpretation is right or maybe that interpretation is correct sometimes we can't always be confident in what we believe there are too many unknowns.

    My Dad often said to me religion is ok but don't take it too seriously I found that out for myself eventually. Maybe the attraction of the Watchtower religion is that one has a kind of insurance policy against dying forever and like all insurance policys you need to look at the small print especially where it says terms and conditions . I would also consider the qualifications,the statements and the credibility of those issuing the written promises from the men in Brooklyn.

    Instead of following a group of men who followed a group of men who followed a group men and so on from way back and got nowhere maybe we should follow the second greatest commandment that Jesus gave to us the one where he says love your neighbour as yourself.

    1 John 3 :18 let us not love in word, neither with the tongue, but in deed and in truth.

    Works of mercy are; Spiritual Works of mercy are;

    Feed the hungry. Admonish the sinner.

    Give drink to the thirsty Instruct the ignorant.

    Clothe the naked. Council the doubtful.

    Visit the imprisoned. Comfort the sorrowful.

    Shelter the homeless. Bear wrongs patiently.

    Visit the sick. Forgive all injuries.

    Bury the dead. Pray for the living and the dead.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Very odd. I guess he had to do what he had to do.

  • cofty

    Shameless use of a sad siuation by Adam to promote his own agenda.Pathetic.

  • Theredeemer

    I went through a period last year when i started going back. Alot, however, had to do with the fact that my wife was still going. I thought "I'm gonna give it one more chance". I really really tried to do it. Of course, most of the meetings I would spend my time in the bathroom looking at this site or sports. I was there physically but mentally I could have never have returned. I cant count the times I would squirm in my seat at the complete crap being spewed! There was not one WT family study where I wouldnt point out the scriptures they misquoted or spliced together to fit thier teachings. My wife eventually saw the BS on her own with the FDS change and we were out. THERE IS NO CHANCE IN HELL WE ARE EVER GOING BACK!!! When you participate in sites like this, discussions that take place here, do personal research on things and really question JW doctrine, relion or God in general; It's all over and there is no going back.

    I compare it to this: Imagine if we found out that our favorite restraunt used rotten food, the employees never washed their hands and spit in everyones food. If we found all this out and it was a fact because we investigated it and there was footage of it happening, it wouldnt matter how good the food looked and tasted, it would never be the same!! We would literally have to pretend that we didnt know all that info and ignore every rational thought we had to even set foot in that place again, let alone eat the food!!

  • braincleaned

    I think adamah is onto something... yep.

  • problemaddict


    But as I suspect many realise I have never really fit in here.

    Hmmmmm. Honestly does anyone "fit in" here? I mean this is quite the mishmosh. If you are actually serious, please enjoy your life and do well by others. Make sure you never sacrifice yourself or teach others to die over blood policy is all that I personally would ask.

    Beyond that.....I wish you well. I have appreciated your posts, but you got to do what is best for you and yours.

  • bohm

    adamah: (only to be made fun of and dismissed for his "navel-gazing" by concrete absolutist thinkers which are rampant IN the JWs, and hence over-represented in an ex-JW community) ... he likely saw MANY examples of the same dogmatic-style thinking in ex-JWs as offered in the Borg, and went with the Devil he knew versus the one he didn't (I won't name names, but the guilty parties SHOULD be able to see who they are: there's been a few truly horrific examples of dogmatic thinkers defending their claims well beyond the point any rational person would just say, "I was wrong.... Thanks for pointing it out.")

    I guess drama and pot-shots against people you are discussing with on other threads are always on topic when you are doing it...

    its a bit like pointing out your time in medical research, and how that make you view the world differently than people who are not in science. Its like grandads time in Nam'. Other poeple just can't understand the world like he does...

  • adamah

    Bohm said-

    I guess drama and pot-shots against people you are discussing with on other threads are always on topic when you are doing it...

    Says someone who apparently cannot detect even the slightest bit of irony in the act of accusing me of what he claims to be protesting?

    Please note that I specifically DIDN'T accuse "people", since I've seen many such manifestations of dogmatic thinking, but opposing it is futile tilt at windmills. Why? No one can FORCE anyone to see anything if they really don't want to see it, and each person must decide for themselves if the shoe fits AND they will wear it. In SBF's case, he FULLY saw TTATT, but was willing to chuck it all when he made his decision.

    That said, it's interesting to note those who objected to my denounciating dogmatism (!): guilty conscience?

    Anyway, the thread is about SBF's decision to return to the JWs, and it's an informal opportunity to say goodbye and thank him for all his comments over all these years. If you want to take the subject elsewhere (like what a big meanie Adam is), then please start a new topic.


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