Time to take my mask off.

by braincleaned 73 Replies latest jw experiences

  • braincleaned

    You are very welcome! More to come...

  • Gayle

    So glad for you that you have found freedom, a new life and have such a fulfilling talent for your work. Having your gift of humor and sharing that is such a healer. And glad you are in the Phoenix area. There are a couple areas, NW Phoenix and Chandler that have exJW groups that would really enjoy meeting you. Each group meet once a month and neither have any belief system agenda, but to encourage and personally understand.

  • braincleaned

    Gayle, I would LOVE to meetup here with local XJWs. Please help me make this happen.
    I would love you to inbox me about how this can happen.

  • braincleaned

    So much to say about the process of coming out…
    I thought I'd share some of it here.

    As I have mentioned before, the steps that got me where I am today are not the usual ones that involve the WTS.
    I was still under their spell by the time I doubted the very existence of Jehovah himself. It took me a few years before I dared go on "apostate" sites. I can't explain why… maybe I loved the brothers and sisters too much. Maybe I didn't want to know… it was enough that I lost my faith in God himself. I felt that the Society was doing the best they could, given the mess the Bible was to me.

    But then I started to look. I believe this site (JWN) was the first I looked at.
    — "Oh I would would never join an apostate site… but let me see what these angry and bitter people say!"
    My jaw dropped as I realized there was no rebellion, no luring others to follow a personal cult. All I read was sadness, pain, even desperation… I entered the world of victims, not rebels to the WTS. I also read many kind words of encouragement. I was not seeing any of the hatefulness the WTS warned us against.
    Another key player for me was Danmera. Her kind and calm videos were on point. No anger, just deep concern. All my prejudice against "apostates" disappeared. I entered a place of logic and loving people, that shared the same pain as mine.

    At the same time, I was reading books like Dawkins' "God Delusion"; Hitchens' "God is not Great"; Harris' "The end of Faith" etc… What really got me was Evolution. I was shocked — shocked — at the misrepresentation that the WTS gave of natural selection. No wonder it made no sense to me. I'm sure many of you reading this also think it is a silly theory. Well let me tell you that if you actually read and understand what science really says about it, you may be as surprised as I was.

    Anyway, back to the apostates.
    What I felt was a lot of compassion. This quality is very different from the WTS. The Organization doesn't practice compassion (as shunning clearly shows). What it practices is condescendence. BIG difference. Full of themselves, the GB patronizes the sheep with barely hidden arrogance. They use the sheep to get free labor, contributions, and obedience. Never question the Borg… you will pay with your life and your family ties.

    Today, I finally came out. I don't care anymore about how I am viewed. I have no more will to cater to the feelings of those who claim to love me but would spit in my face if the Borg told them to. I will use whatever pull I have and whatever measure of talent I can offer to reveal this mind-controlling cult to the world.
    They WILL fall… and they seem to be the ones shooting themselves in the leg.

    As I have said before, the "New Light" of today, is the Apostasy of tomorrow." I have never seen such a flip-flopping, mine-quoting, disingenuous and opportunistic entity as the WTS. I will continue to fight this lying cult to protect my kids, and help each other to move forward towards happiness and Truth.


  • StoneWall

    braincleaned (Vince),

    Now that we are aware of your artistic talent as well as your real identity, any chance that you are going to change your avatar on here to either a real pic of yourself or an awesome cartoonish brain being cleaned....to fit in with your handle/title on here.

    That would be kinda neat to have one of your original images on here as your namesake. :)

  • braincleaned

    I wanted to do that StoneWall... but I can't figure how to... I don't see an edit option. Can you help?

  • StoneWall

    braincleaned I know this site has beeen going through some technical changes as of late but I will provide you with a link from here that may help you ni changing your Profile/avatar pic.

    Click on this link


    Hopefully that helps ya Vince.

  • braincleaned

    Thanks StoneWall! I'll check it out. I my do an original avatar with your idea of a clean brain! LOL! Kinda busy right now, but I'll get to it.

  • braincleaned

    Not working... Maybe it's a Mac thing?

  • braincleaned

    Just woke up hoping my avatar was updated, but it doesn't seem to work.
    Not a big deal really — but if anyone knows of a trick to do that, I would gladly welcome the tip!

    Have a great week, all of you!

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