1st Time in 3 Years JW's call at our Door - Two 30 yr. long Time JW's

by flipper 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Wow, you have had two great experiences lately. I wish I could stay that together to say something that might make them think and start their journey. At this point we don't answer the door because we are only 14 months out and most of them know who we are. Keep up the good work. I hope though it doesn't trigger a bunch of elders to come to your home.

  • Finkelstein

    Its all becomes so that much easier when you have the Truth backing you up.

    Something ingrained JWS are blocked away from.

    Flipper the great warrior of Truth conquers once again.

  • latinthunder

    I continued, " Look, let me give you an example. Remember how several years ago the mainstream media talked about.... " Then sister 57 yr.old self righteous says, " the media hates us, they are always badmouthing Jehovah's Witnesses more than other religions. "

    It's the presses job to shine light on any criminal activities going on in establishments who claim sanctuary status in the community. They act as one of the few checks and balances in that respect. The burden of proof is on the Witness who makes the extrordinary claim. If the media really was lying about the Witnesses, couldn't the Watchtower sue for libel? It just takes a small amount of critical thinking to determine whether or not what the media says about certain religions is valid.

    Think about it, the media wants to make money right? Well, there is more than enough scandals going on in ALL religions to line their pockets with gold and silver. They don't need to make anything up. If the media is reporting on Jehovah's Witnesses more than other religions that would mean that the Watchtower has a problem they need to fix. Yet, instead of owning up they merely dismiss it as "lies from Satan's media." It's a joke.

  • Apognophos

    Clearly it pays off to be prepared. I'll have to keep that in mind once I'm (hopefully) living in an area where no one knows I am (was) a Witness.

    But to be honest, I give them at most a 50% chance of reading the papers you gave them. I was with an elder in service once when a friendly older man gave us some material to read. It wasn't even anti-JW stuff, just his personal Bible research -- I guess; I'll never really know since I never read a word of it. The elder confiscated my copy as soon as we got back in the car. Even though we accepted it from the man politely and said thank you, it went into the round file later.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    You did a really great job. Oh my word. I truly doubt they will call back though. If they do read the printouts what could they say to you? How can they defend the cult? They can't answer you and they know that and to call back on you will be to mind twisting for them. But if they do read the printouts what they read will forever be stuck in their minds and they cannot unring the bell once it is rung. So that is so cool because the next time and there will be a next time something comes up they will have to redouble their effort to not think. And the next time after that it will be even worse for them. Maybe someday they will wake up. One chink at a time. Hopefully this cult will fold because people will wake up because of people like you putting thoughts into to their minds to make them use their brains, its my dream at least.

    Thanks for all you did. It was so great to read. You made my day.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Flipper:

    Seems you've witnessed to quite a few of my friends!

    CoCo Double Agent

  • steve2

    Well flipper, good on you for trying to witness to these two deaf women. You have probably rattled at least one of them but they do have an amazing capacity to regurgitate the party line. I honestly believe that deep down these kinds of super-righteous Witnesses cannot conceive of anyone leaving for valid reasons. It probably would destroy their house of cards if they conceded anyone could leave for such reasons because then it would suggest something's not right about the organization.

    I often wonder what I would do if they called on me.

    From time to time, I've come home to find a tract in my letterbox. I know I'm not "marked" as a "no visit" because I am not known to the local witnesses.

  • Sayswho

    Nicely thought out and expressed...those thoughts and information given should give food for thought to them. If not soon they should stay in their memory and brought back to mind when someone or something happens in a similar way... and that will help them see the fallacy in the Wt org. Time will tell, it's information like this that helped me.


  • ShirleyW

    Friggin amazing Flipper !!

    I hope they do come back, so you can ask them why your two daughters no longer associate with you and you haven't been "excommunicated" either ! And ask them about that scripture that says honor your mother and father.

  • Phizzy

    Mr Flipper SIR, I put Sir in Caps. because I respect you. You handled that faultlessly. and I am sure you had maximum effect.

    I know from my own experience, that such encounters take a good while to make the JW listen to their inner voice, and put away the cult mind control.

    But the seeds you have sown will grow, and bear fruit.

    Well done again, and I thank you for your kindness and concern for these Ladies, what you did was purely altruistic, it brings you no personal benefit, but you will do those ladies the most good you could in the circumstances.

    Keep up the good work ! May we all follow your excellent example.

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