Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah? Thanks.

by The Quiet One 110 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • losingit

    Wow Christadelphians sound a lot like JWs. is it possible they are less corrupt? Do they practice shunning? Do they preach?

    Honestly, it sounds like SFPW is here to get some easy hours in service.He's wasting his breath on this forum.

  • Pterist

    @Carla ****I really do not get where jw's come off with the whole 'God always used an organization' thing.****

    This is NOW "Old Light" as the July 15th Watchtower shows that the WEEDS became dominant from late First Century to 1919.

    What they don't seem to realize is that the WHEAT matured very successfully along with the WEEDS during this time period WITHOUT any earthly organisation and in their theology of "Babylon". They even reaped the WHEAT in 1919 from that harvest ?!?!? Which goes to show their ridiculous claim to be God's only organisation that is needed for salvation.

    They preach a false hope, a false gospel and a false Christ !

    Shalom :)

  • ProfCNJ

    @pterist I like this short but crisp comment - What they don't seem to realize is that the WHEAT matured very successfully along with the WEEDS during this time period WITHOUT any earthly organisation and in their theology of "Babylon". They even reaped the WHEAT in 1919 from that harvest ?!?!? Which goes to show their ridiculous claim to be God's only organisation that is needed for salvation.

  • Phizzy

    Pertinent comment from page one : " So you have to ask youself, when has God ever sent his people out to preach falsehoods in his name?"

    SFPW, pleae answer, thank you.

  • Comatose


  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Borrowing a point from Cold Steel on the thread at the end of my post: " there's nothing in the Bible that indicates the Jehovah's Witnesses are God's organization; there are no angelic ministrations, no visions, no dreams, no spiritual gifts. Jesus didn't issue a press release in 1919 when he inspected the earth's religions and came to the rather remarkable conclusion that the Watchtower Society was the closest religion to what he wanted. If true, this is the first time in world history when God took a less than...proactive...part in setting up a kingdom, or church. In the past, Yahweh has not been very passive when it came to naming prophets, calling apostles, warning the wicked. Whereas the Lord spake unto Jeremiah saying, " Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." (Jer. 1:5) He didn't visit the earth and examine everyone who claimed to be a prophet and then choose Jeremiah as being the closest one to what he was looking for. So that's been my major problem with the Watchtower organization. Yahweh didn't instigate the religion, he didn't appear to anyone, didn't send any angels, didn't ordain a soul, never gave them the Keys of the Kingdom, necessary for being able to bind in Heaven or on Earth; never called anyone that we can determine. "

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Stand for Pure Worship said: "I was born into the True Religion" and "No confusion, or contradicting messages was I exposed to"
    Something to think about..
    "Isn't it a remarkable coincidence that almost everyone has the same religion as their parents? And it always just happens to be the right religion. Religion runs in families. If we had been born in ancient Greece, we would all be worshipping Zeus and Apollo. If we had been brought up as Vikings, we would be worshipping Thor and Wotan. How does this come about? Through religious childhood indoctrination..The way this affects our ability to objectively search for the true religion (if there is any) is that if people are brainwashed into believing that the religion they have been brought up with is the only true religion, then these biased influences will create huge obstacles in knowing the truth of a religion objectively.
    This can be done by sending a young child to mosque or church every Sunday, labelling the child as a christian or muslim child, indoctrinating them with the belief of your own religion, so that even if they don't practise it completely and are religious, they will still at least believe their religion is true and others are wrong..
    15, 20 or 30 years of indoctrination into one religion with very little knowledge about other religions, means that you will be less inclined to challenge your religious beliefs and leave your belief to try to find the true religion in an objective way. For example, I have debated with Christians and muslims who have studied different religions but when it came to Hinduism or other religions which include polytheistic belief, they would say they don't want to study that religion as they believe that God is only one. However, I argued, if you had been brought up a hindu, believing and worshipping in different Gods would be natural and monotheism would be something alien which you would not want to go into as you had been indoctrinated with polytheism. This is one example which shows how religious childhood indoctrination stops us from objectively searching for and knowing the true religion."

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    So utterly absurd.

    JW's and their GB are unheard of by 3 billion Chinese, Indians and Muslims. I suppose your loving heavenly father is going to massacre all of them at Armageddon?

  • Xanthippe

    The sign they keep banging on about is that they are the only ones doing the preaching work.

    Unfortunately the only way people can tell they are fulfilling Matt. 24.14 is when the part 'and then the end will come' happens because nowhere in that scripture does it tell you what the good news of the Kingdom is.

    This has to be found all over the Bible cherry-picking verses about lions lying down with lambs and people building houses and having occupancy. Taking them completely out of context.

    Don't you think God would have put it in one chapter of the Bible what the good news of the Kingdom is? Or even in one book! If it is so important that you need to dedicate your life to God?

    So the only way we can know if this religion is a true prophet is if the end comes and the new system, that they insist is the correct thing to preach about, happens. If we don't have enough faith to give up our whole life to preach this good news then we can't get into the new system.

    It really is Pascal's wager isn't it, they stick to this Jehovah just in case it's right?

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    The GB, ie "Jehovah's organisation", are self-declared. They publish numerous WT articles in which they stress the importance of recognising the org as though they too are looking up to it. The reality is that their admonitions to venerate the org are nothing more than self-agrandisement. Even Jesus chose to be silent about his real identity before eventually agreeing to the fact that he was the Messiah. Contrast that attitude with the lack of reluctance on the part of Brooklyn when they claim that they have their own private pipeline to God!

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