OK - I've had it - My letter to the KH

by LisaRose 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    The whole time I lived in Colorado, I had the dubs come by once and leave a tract. But since moving to California, they are at my door so often I asked them to put me on the "do not call" list. This did not stop them, in fact I have asked four times, plus once I called the Kingdom hall and left a message, they still come, the last time this past Saturday. So I decided to write a letter, I am hoping that they will take it a bit more seriously

    Here it is, sorry its long, but I had a lot to say. :)

    Elders, Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses

    I am writing to you because I have asked repeatedly that you not come by my house and annoy me. To date, you have not honored this request and I feel I need to tell you why I do not wish you to call on me.

    I became a Jehovah’s Witness in 1968 at the age of 13. At the time, as with many at that time, my family and I studied out of the blue ‘Truth” book. I was told that Charles Taze Russell predicted that the last days would start in 1914, and that he was proved right because WW1 started then, as well as increased earthquakes, crime, etc. I became convinced that the JWs had “the truth” based on this teaching, and that we were indeed in the last days, and that 1975 marked the end of 6 thousand years of mans existence on the earth, and that Armageddon would very likely come in 1975. I so believed this I did not go to college, as the awake said that young people like me would never have time for a career in this system of things. I am now 58, so… well that wasn’t true.

    Well, as you know, Armageddon did not start in 1975. In fact the Watchtower told me that I was wrong for “going ahead” and shame on me, I was just “serving for a date” . Despite this, I kept on, thinking Armageddon would come soon. My husband was disfellowshipped, but I stayed, even though the marriage was unhappy, the Watchtower said that is was always better to stay in a marriage, and I did not have grounds for a scriptural divorce. This was quite difficult for me, especially as my mate could not keep a job, so I was often the sole wage earner. The Witness life of meeting, meetings and more meetings, service, study, etc. was quite difficult with an unbelieving mate, two children and a full time job, but I did my best.

    Finally, after 28 years of marriage I reached a breaking point. I could no longer go on as I was; my health had broken down from the stress. I made the painful decision to leave. Also at that time I realized that the religion I thought I had joined was not the religion I was in. Armageddon never came, yet they still said it was “just around the corner”. Hmmmm…., but they said that in 1975 too. I saw so many things that were not as they said they should be. Love in the congregation? Forget it if you are a sister with an unbelieving mate and health problems. I was also disturbed by the fact that the Watchtower had joined the UN. When I originally studied I was told that the UN was the scarlet colored wild beast, that it was something no Christian should ever be a part of. I didn’t buy the explanation that they needed access to the library (which I found out later wasn’t even true), In view of the fact that the brothers in Malawi were told they couldn’t buy a .25 political card and many lost their life because of it, why would the WTBTS join the UN to read books? It bothered me. I also was getting tired of the constant guilt trips. It seemed no matter how much you did, it was never enough. Going out in service was painful, my heart wasn’t in it anymore, I didn’t see the point of it really, nobody was really interested, and I couldn’t blame them. Telling people that unless they were dubs they were going to be killed at Armageddon? I really hated that, and by the end didn’t believe it either.

    Finally it all hit me – This isn’t Gods organization, it couldn’t be. They were wrong to tell me I couldn’t leave my husband. They were wrong to tell me not to go to college (that career I would not have time for? Come and gone). They were wrong to predict the end in 1975, wrong about so many things. And of course the shunning that breaks so many families apart, including mine. It was hard, to admit I made a mistake, that I was wrong, that I failed, but I couldn’t hide from the truth, the real truth, anymore.

    I know you brothers are shaking your head, this poor deluded woman doesn’t have the truth anymore. But bear with me as I finish my story. So I finally left, divorced my husband and moved. For many years I lived in Colorado. Fortunately they have almost no Jehovah’s Witnesses there, wow, that was nice (no offence). I was just happy for the misery to be over, no constant meetings, guilt etc. I married a great guy that I wouldn’t date in high school, as he wasn’t a dub. It’s crazy that he never forgot me and we have been happily married for 13 years now. Life gives you a prize now and again. He waited 28 years for me to come to my senses; he had the patience of Job.

    So, missing California, I moved back. I was surprised to find you work your territories very frequently here. Now, I have gotten over my experiences as a Witness and I am happier than I ever thought I would be, although I still suffer health problems from the stress of my former life. Since I left, I have found out some things about the religion that is very disturbing to me. Remember when I said I studied about Charles Taze Russell and his magical predictions? Well, it turns out that he did not actually predict the end would start in 1914. He thought the last days started around 1799, Jesus began to rule in 1874. and 1914 was the end, not the beginning, of the last days, and the resurrection would start in 1925 Did you know they built a house for the resurrected prophets in San Diego? I did not know that, look it up it’s called Beth Sarim. So, I kind of feel like I made my dedication based on lies and fraud. In fact the Watchtower has predicted the end many, many times. Kind of like the boy who cried wolf. I have verified this through your own publications, from a variety of neutral sources. Of course I was around in 1975, so I am not buying your current excuse that some “went ahead”. I was shocked that current Witnesses believe the Watchtower never taught it (a Witness at the Lucky approached me and we had a discussion ). It was like “oh yes, some witnesses believed the end would come in 1975”. It wasn’t some Witnesses, it was the whole organization. They preached it in the hall. No one I knew did not believe the end was coming in 75. I was taught that from the get go in my study out of the “Truth” book. It was a false prediction, you need to own it. In fact the Watchtower has a 100% failure rate on predictions, there have been so many of them. How deceitful that the Watchtower pretends they never taught that.

    Also, I found out the chronology that old Charlie Russell used was based on the Seventh Day Adventists. It’s also completely wrong as it is based on Jerusalem’s fall in 607, when all reputable bible scholars believe that it actually fell around 587. Of course that wouldn’t work for the “day for a year” etc. And the “new light” on the generation

    teaching – it’s laughable. A generation is A generation, not multiple generations. You

    all backed yourself into a corner with the “generation that will not pass away” thing. I

    remember an Awake in the eighties, with a picture of dubs who were around in 1914, stating that they would not pass away. Funny that, as they were all elderly then, I am pretty sure they all have actually passed away by now.

    I was also surprised to learn that there have been many brothers who were known pedophiles who were allowed to continue in positions of responsibility, even after it was known they had abused children. I guess you know about the Candace Conti case, and the 12 million dollar award given, plus many others. To think the Watchtower was condemning the Catholics about this. I never knew because the cases were hushed up, and money give to keep it quiet, anyone who complained was quickly disfellowshipped. I had seen this happen, but stupidly though it was an isolated case. A friend’s child was molested and my friend was concerned and told the fiancée of the man (who had kids) of his history. Even though the brother admitted his guilt at the time, my friend got into trouble for trying to protect this woman’s children. I was sad to learn this was NOT an isolated incident, but standard procedure. Can’t bring reproach on Jehovah’s name, don’t you know, even if it endangers children.

    So there you have it. I am what you would call “apostate” I guess. So be it, I sure don’t drink that Kool-aid any more. I don’t hate dubs, I still have family that are being deceived (I do miss them) I know many of you are sincere, and here you come with your Watchtower and Awakes, preaching the same tired, bad information. It’s annoying, really, really annoying. I work from home and you come by so often, it’s interrupting my work. I paint furniture, and I am often covered in paint and sweat, I am sure I look like a crazy person. I tried just ignoring the bell, but then you just come by a few days later (really great at those not-at-homes aren’t you?). Once I was annoyed and was a bit rude, but that just seemed to encourage you. Except for that one time, I have been polite, I am a nice person, but I have asked you to put me on your do not call list. In fact I have asked four times – four! I also phoned the KH and asked as well. Yet you guys coming by just brings up that whole painful period of my life, which I would rather leave behind. And there is a snowballs chance in Hell I would be a dub again, so you are really, really wasting my time and yours. I thought about a restraining order or something, but really, it shouldn’t have to come to that. Can you not just respect my request and not knock on my door? Is that too much to ask? Once I told them I was an ex witness and they started asking all kind of personal questions, like what congregation I was in. Really? It’s none of your business, frankly.

    Let’s just agree to disagree, OK? Do not contact me again in any way, shape or form. I think I have been more than patient; I will not be patient anymore. You don’t come by my house, and I won’t contact my lawyer and give a copy of this letter to every dub that does come by.

  • braincleaned

    My heart goes out to you. Hope you get the respect you deserve.
    Took me 45 years to wake up myself... ;)

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    I totally get what you're saying....but sending them a letter like this only gives them ammunition.

    You owe them no explanation at all. Giving them one means you're conceding they have power over you, and they do not.

  • Finkelstein

    Good letter hold on to it and do give it to JW callers when they do come by.

    Problem is even if your house number is listed on a territory card as "Do Not Call " the

    people out in service many times will ignore houses labeled as do not calls.

    Lack of respect and laziness is the real problem.

    I live in a security enforced condo so I never get called, which is a good thing.

  • Apognophos

    I agree with Finkelstein that it wold be more effective as an anti-witness if you were to give it to JWs who come calling, than to send it to the KH (i.e., the elders), but then again I think you'd rather just be left alone, so this is probably the best way to get marked down on the territory card as "APOSTATE" However, it's true that the JWs often do not look at the Do Not Calls; we used to put them on the back of the card, and no one would remember to even look there before doing a street.

    As to the letter itself, it's well-written, but personally I would pare it down a bit, as eventually it gets a bit overwhelming -- a sort of apostate's laundry list. It might be best to keep it to your personal experiences, like 1975, and the couple of things that you learned later that are most compelling to you personally. But you weren't asking for suggestions, so I'll shut up now

  • problemaddict

    Well one of two things will happen.

    1) They will just put you on the do not call list.

    2) They will send two elders to your house.

    I am betting on 2.

  • jgnat

    From the heart. Change dub to Witness.

  • LisaRose

    Yes, it should probably been shorter, I was a little steamed at the time. I figured no one would read it anyway. I had a lot to say, it was more for me I guess. I have talked to the dubs who come by, and I gave a very long anti witness to one who approached me in my car, but I am just not always prepared to do that, it takes a lot of energy and effort, and for very little purpose, as everyone knows, it's a cult, nothing I say will cause any dub to rethink their beliefs. I really just want to be left alone.

    The elders can try to come by, I wouldn't open the door to them. If any others come, I have the letter handy, I will just hand them a copy of the letter and shut the door.

  • Apognophos

    Yes, it should probably been shorter, I was a little steamed at the time. I figured no one would read it anyway. I had a lot to say, it was more for me I guess.

    Yeah, I can understand that.

  • cantleave

    It contains your thoughts and feelings - who cares how long or how short it is. Good Job.

    Mine would have been shorter something like "f*c4 You A$$4oles!"

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