by The Searcher 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Thank you Splash. As usual the peaNut gallery here at JWN are grasping for anything to discredit and criticize the GB. Or they're looking too far into something said from the platform or in the literature. Just like the 1975 self-victims. They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75". Now they're doing it all over again. Bums.

  • truthseeker674

    "Or they're looking too far into something said from the platform or in the literature. Just like the 1975 self-victims. They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75". Now they're doing it all over again."

    These must be some of the same people that instead of looking too far into 1975, could'nt look far enough to 1995 and realize that" This generation will by no means pass away" actually means several generations not one. I agree stand for pure how short sighted these people are. LOL

  • slimboyfat

    Just like the 1975 self-victims.

    Twerp. Being a JW evidently suits you, enjoy.

  • wizzstick

    They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75

    One liitle thing?


    Do read this one little page of quotes then:


  • tenyearsafter

    Obviously, SFPW was not a JW in the late 60's and early 70's or they would not make such a ludicrous statement as " They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75" or " Just like the 1975 self-victims". If you had been a JW during that era, you have heard almost weekly references to 1975 as being a "significant" date and allusions to it being the start of Great Tribuation. SFPW, perhaps you can tell me what the significance of that date was was other than scaring people in to avoiding careers, marriage or having children?

    And before you castigate me for stating the above, I can assure you that I was a eyewitness to all of it...can you say the same? If you were a JW then, and deny that these things happened, then you are being disengenous at best, and an outright liar at worst.

  • Splash

    Along the lines of 1975, one interesting comment was made by the GB. It was to do with teaching something that was incorrect, and an example from 2Tim 1:13 was given (paraphrasing):

    "An elder gave a PT and mentioned the 'pattern of healthful words'. He said 'If you take this verse from here, and that verse from there, and then this one, you get a beautiful pattern emerging' and this was like a designers pattern, a pattern on a piece of fabric."

    Everyome laughed, as did the GB, since that is not what 'pattern' means in the correct context. This illustrated why the word 'pattern' had to be replaced in the new NWT.

    Later in the same talk he admitted "It has to be said, that elder got his idea from somewhere", and explained that something similar once appeared in the WT. This, I've since found, was in w87 11/15 p.21 "The Pattern Established".

    Other words replaced in the new NWT include Fornication (Sexual misconduct), and Brazen Conduct now appears in Gal 5 list of works of the flesh.


  • Scully

    Let's keep things on topic, please.

    Stand for Pure Worship, please don't derail the thread. If you wish to discuss your belief in "1975 self-victims" please start a new thread.

  • Finkelstein

    Stand for Pure Worship says ......

    They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75". Now they're doing it all over again. Bums.

    1975 was not a little thing as you espouse, it was a very big thing for almost a decade by and for the WTS.

    1975 was an enormously deceiving and deliberate fraud with intent by the WTS. and its leadership

    toward increasing the literature proliferation of this very corrupt religious publishing house.

    I was there during those years and personally know of young people (JWS) committing suicide because this,

    so don't be a ignorant asshole and belittle something you know little about.

  • rawe

    Hi Stand For Pure Worship,

    "Thank you Splash. As usual the peaNut gallery here at JWN are grasping for anything to discredit and criticize the GB. Or they're looking too far into something said from the platform or in the literature. Just like the 1975 self-victims. They read one little thing and all of a sudden they thought the end was coming in 75". Now they're doing it all over again. Bums."

    One of the mistakes it seems some active Witnesses make is assuming all ex-JWs are the same. Or have some unified agenda to discredit the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. However, that is not true. What does happen though is you get to see the unfiltered thoughts of folks who have left the faith and for what reasons. You also get to meet folks who really bought into what was emphasized in books like Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God and how it affected them. If some just kept on doing their normal JW things they might view things a bit differently from those who sold their home so as to pioneer in the last remaining years (assumed to be less than 40 of course).

    When you see criticism of the Governing Body here or elsewhere, there is no mandate you must believe it or even buy into the arguments. Indeed this thread shows that, folks trying to determine if the word "bum" was actually used by a Governing Body member (it appears so far -- that no it wasn't).



  • Violia

    Things said from the platform are everything. They carry as much weight among the jws as anything else. Jws are famous for unwritten rules etc. Most of the 1975 stuff was from the platform and if you had been there you'd know this- No one openly denied 1975 without being viewed as "bum" jws or worse, potentially an apostate. That might have varied from Congo to Congo or area, but I recall with great clarity that time period.

    They are rallying the troops to stop the bleeding and demanding money. As Blondie and others have said, since they quit charging for the literature, cash flow has been an issue. Maybe churches are right to pass the 'hat". It does cost to maintain the building etc . It is not as guilt producing as the constant not so veiled insults from the platform.

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