The Smoke and Mirrors of the Annual Meeting

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The Annual Meeting seems to boil down to an opening talk about an "exciting new" Bible Museum and a closing talk about an "exciting New" New World Translation. Sandwiched in between were the WT summary, a talk about indoctrinating the children fast/furious, and some "trip down memory lane."

    Why would this "spiritual feast" seem to be anticlimactic? For starters, Bibles have been out of stock for nearly a year and there was tons of expectation for something new with the Bibles at the district convention this summer. Not a peep was said at the DC. Rather hollow sounding rumors spread that WT was too busy printing Chinese Bibles to print English. Not believable. And why was it that they'd announced that Bibles would be available in new covers and trims just a year or so earlier... but then you couldn't order and get any of them. Now that more months have passed, how could they NOT release new Bibles at this Annual Meeting? Of course, it's required of JWs to treat their new grey Bibles as a delightful surprise. Frankly, it's like little Suzie being "excited" to get her Betsy Wetsy doll at Christmas... when it's been the #1 thing on her wishlist to Santa for the last 5 years. Now the JWs have to ignore the earlier promise of pretty colored covers and trims. You can get the NNWT in any color as long as it's grey.

    And about the "Bible Museum" with all those historic copies they "miraculously" acquired? I just remembered something that made me unimpressed when I read about this talk. I'd visited the Switzerland branch about a decade ago and they had a display of lots of old Bibles and fragments of old texts with the "divine name." Wait. Didn't the Switzerland branch recently get closed and put up for sale? I suspect that their "exciting new" Bible Museum was simply pilfered from the Swiss. The talk was reworded to make it sound "new and exciting". This isn't anything new for WT to take some obscure experience of Andre back in the 70s and rework it in an article to sound like it happened last week. But they have to come up with something to fill 2-1/2 hours, right?

    Of course, what's always interesting is what they DON'T say. As I began to wake up to TTATT, I found that for all that WT said, it was a lot of stuff trying to cover up what they didn't want to have questioned. Subjects that they avoided that would have been important at this Annual Meeting: What has happened in the past year to prove that we're getting closer to the end? Any indications that Babylon the Great is on the verge of destruction? Any indicators of the identity of the King of the North? Next year is 100 years from 1914, shall we have an anniversary party? Any "new light" that child molestation is a crime that should be reported to the police ASAP?

  • Oubliette

    - Billy: Next year is 100 years from 1914, shall we have an anniversary party?

    I'm all for it!

    We can celebrate 100+years of WT error!

    BTW, welcome back. You have a PM.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks for the Welcome Back, Oubliette. I'll have to disappear back into my "worldly" university studies in a couple of hours.

    I just had to come back and hear about the nulite at the Annual Meeting this weekend!

  • prologos

    that is a good one

    null lite, zero light.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It wouldn't surprise me if there was nothing new and exciting because the Governing Body was simply practicing how well they can keep the content of the meeting secret. Since they didn't really know yet, they didn't want any real good secrets available.

    That's my theory.

  • cofty

    Good points about what they didn't say Billy.

    This was the perfect opportunity for them to acknowledge the 2014 anniversary and offer reassurance. Instead they offer bread and circuses.

  • Oubliette

    Interesting point, OTWO. Of course that assumes that the GB actually HAS any really good secrets ... at least any that they'd want to share with the R&F.

    We know about their best secrets:

    • The UN/NGO Scandal
    • The Pedophile crisis
    • Homosexual GB members
    • Wife-beating GB members
    • Drunken, philandering WT Presidents
    • Constant, non-sensical doctrinal changes ridiculously explained away as "New Light"
    • the list is long .....
  • jookbeard

    "Chinese bibles! heard to all now, like there was going to be hundreds of thousands of JW's when the Soviet Union broke up, god they are desperate

  • slimboyfat

    Lying comes so naturally when anything "new" happens in the org. Like when they stopped charging for literature and pretended it was to help poor Witnesses in Africa. And why did they REALLY stop the group study? Will we ever know the real reason? It sure wasn't gas prices like they claimed at the time.

    So lying about the Bible shortage is in no way surprising.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm so grateful to those Internet-posting attendees for their reports. I got juicy details from this meeting without putting on pants.

    After a rather stressful week, this has been a valuable reminder that I've made the right decision to get far away from WT.

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