Any 'Breaking Bad' fans?

by keyser soze 47 Replies latest social entertainment

  • jwfacts

    It is the first series I have ever watched end to end. I absolutely loved it. It is always hard to make a finale, but they did a great job. Very satisfying.

  • slimboyfat

    Not seen it yet! (Closes eyes, covers ears, and sings "la la" in the manner of a JW seeking to avoid hearing "apostate talk")

  • tenyearsafter

    I had it partially right in my prediction (so I giess I was closer than the WT on their predictions!)...and I like the way it ended even better than my guess! What a fabulous show...the writing was so smart and fresh, and the acting was superb. I can only imagine what a pleasure working on that show must have been!

    Now I have to take solace in watching Homeland and Sons of Anarchy...

    Good bye will be missed!

  • slimboyfat

    The best show ever in the history of humanity. Terrible it's over.

  • Ancientofdays

    "I did it ... for myself !" .

    how long we'll wait before a new series like BB ?

  • bohm

    My girlfriend and I both think this is the best show we ever saw. I cant wait to watch it again.

  • slimboyfat

    Can someone explain the ending to me? Did he try some of his own crystal meth, was that why he lay back like that? Was he mortally wounded or not? Will he have gone to jail? Will Pinkman go to jail too, he did some pretty bad stuff as well.

    I am glad Lydia got her comeuppance, what a freakish woman. And it's her fault Mike died, he was the best.

    I am glad Elliot got rattled too, it was all his fault in a way.

    Bring on the Saul Goodman show!

  • Dagney

    sbf, WW was shot, and ironically by his own bullet.

    Jesse, who knows. The cops will find the cell he was kept in, and the they will know he didn't voluntarily cook the meth. I hope he goes to Alaska.

    Vince said this morning he is working on a show for CBS with the creator of "House." He said it was a story he wrote 11 years ago.

    This was an epic show. Masterful production, all the way around.

  • slimboyfat

    I know he was shot, was it meant to be a mortal wound? There's going to be a Saul Goodman show apparently.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    My understanding of the last scene was that it was him dying from the gunshot wound.

    For some reason I was expecting more sentimentality in the farewell between him and Jesse. But I guess it was more realistic the way it was.

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