What gives you away as a (former) JW?

by perfect1 46 Replies latest jw friends


    What gives you away as a (former) JW?

    It`s the Tuxedo & Tuba..

    All exJWs Wear Tuxedos and..

    Play the Tuba..

    .......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I don't know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Sunday was my "first" birthday and my work team took me out and had the party hats and a birthday girl sash.

    Dinner involved JW oddities being discussed.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Referring to my former religion as:

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a Domesday Cult, with their world headquarters, based in New York.


  • gma-tired2

    I still can't wrap gifts.

    Finally said bless you this morning when granddaughter sneezed

    Still have a hard time with flag salute I guess to deeply ingrained in brain

    But I can stand for national anthem

    Recently called JW a cult too exercise buddies when home schooling was brought up Most are former higj school teachers who expressed having JW kids that would't go on to college.

  • minimus

    my bookbag

  • perfect1

    LOL minimus.

    The book bag!

    My dad had one like a large leather box and I had one faux leather to put the magazines in for service. ICK! havent thought about that in a while.

  • rmt1

    No friends, wife sufficient.

    Wrapping is an engineering challenge, but knowing what to do for fixings, bows, ribbons, cards, hanging disposable glitter and balloons, waaah?. I make a lousy birthday organizer and cannot remember the mundane holidays.

    I like to think I could be making mad stacks if I craved money, and that not making mad stacks is a reflection of autonomous priorities rather than a symptom of an involuntary inability to persist at constantly developing and honing marketable skill sets. (You have to be much much smarter than I will ever be to make money in astronomy, heh.)

    I also get by with older car, lower savings buffers, pretty much as if I never grew up on the first world surrounded by opportunities for investment and long term planning.

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