Recent Global Cooling Controversy

by metatron 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP


    Its amazing how you make comments, and when challenged you cant find any tangible proof, but you will take the time to write up an insult against me.

    I dont mind if you insult me, but please earn the right too, when you have actually shown everyone some evidence, instead of consulting your mates down at the pub for science.

    I notice you n ever refuted my summary of why Germany is moving towards solar for strategic values and independence of Russian gas etc. Bit too hard for you, when your faced with someone at little better than a sea slug.

  • Jeffro


    Its amazing how you make comments, and when challenged you cant find any tangible proof, but you will take the time to write up an insult against me.

    Refer to my previous response.

    I dont mind if you insult me, but please earn the right too, when you have actually shown everyone some evidence, instead of consulting your mates down at the pub for science.


    I notice you n ever refuted my summary of why Germany is moving towards solar for strategic values and independence of Russian gas etc.

    Actually, I did. But aside from that, I notice you have a tendency to try to distract from a broader subject to irrelevant minutia. It's not a tactic that makes you look especially smart.

    Bit too hard for you, when your faced with someone at little better than a sea slug.

    I guess we won't know until that happens.

  • mP


    how classy and considering your intellect scientific.

    How convenient that you select examples from sweden recycling garbage and germany moving to solar and wind and give those as proofs that governments are fighting climate change. If this was the case where are the links ?

    So many governments and not a single link to a story or gov website that shows a new initiative started because of Climate change. While its good to see Sw doing stuff to solve the rubbish problem, i highlight doubt thats really much in terms of reducing co2 emissions for sweden. Whatever the number its tiny.

    Its good to see when challenged you run away, you can never actually back your assertions. But your always quick to try and insult me.

    Go back to kindy and get an education. At the very least your insults might make a hero of you there to the bullies.

  • Jeffro


    Whatever the number its tiny.

    You've already decided that any efforts by any countries are insignificant. There's no point trying to provide any 'evidence' to you. Evidence has already been provided, and you ignore it.

    Go back to kindy and get an education

    You don't understand, do you?! Why would I bother making more effort to provide 'proof' to you, when you're just an insulting uneducated lout. Do your own damn research.

  • mP


    when you're just an insulting uneducated lout.


    Look whose talking your last few replies have been nothing but insults. Absolutely other than petty insults in them.

  • Jeffro


    Look whose talking your last few replies have been nothing but insults.

    I've responded to your comments in the manner they deserve.

    You clearly do not understand the subject matter, but your arrogance prevents you from learning anything.

  • brinjen

    I think mP is just an antagoniser.

  • Jeffro

    The ice density is less in the picture from 2013, but even aside from that, the conclusion in the article is particularly poor.

    It's a bit like tossing a coin four times, and getting heads three times and tails once, and then asserting that coin tosses yield heads 75% of the time. The sample size is too small, and trends over a longer period are ignored. No legitimate scientist would take this as 'proof' that 'global warming' has 'stopped'. And 'global warming' misrepresents the actual issues of 'manmade climate change' anyway.

  • Jeffro


    Climate change has been with us since the beginning of time. In fact it happens everyday (we call it day when it gets warmer, and night when it cools).

    No. That is not what climate means. That is called weather.

  • besty


    nowdays people leave their tvs on all the time, and the fact they are fatter than ever doesnt help. Fat keeps you hot.

    Global climate change is not happening because fat people living near you have recently started leaving their TV's on?

    The debate reaches a record low.

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