Recent Global Cooling Controversy

by metatron 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty


    The thing about global warming that is coldly terrifying to me is the power of the elite in pushing common people to accept a threat so tenuous, so speculative and so distant as if it merited real priority in their lives.

    ok - so a non-scientific perspective. got it.

    the rest of your post is a conspiracy rant, and that's ok.

    the point is your OP is based on nonsense from the Daily Fail

  • mP


    mP; Climate change has been with us since the beginning of time. In fact it happens everyday (we call it day when it gets warmer, and night when it cools).

    No. That is not what climate means. That is called weather.


    The seasons are a form of climate change. Find a reputable dictionary or similar journal that says otherwise.

  • mP


    he ice density is less in the picture from 2013, but even aside from that, the conclusion in the article is particularly poor

    Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years.

    So differences between one year is climate change and not weather. Looks like you cant tell the difference between climate and climate chance.

    Typical big mouth liar. Tells me weather which spans a year is not climate change and then goes and picks examples separate by 1 year as climate change.

  • mP
    mP: nowdays people leave their tvs on all the time, and the fact they are fatter than ever doesnt help. Fat keeps you hot.


    Global climate change is not happening because fat people living near you have recently started leaving their TV's on?

    The debate reaches a record low.


    Dont put words in my mouth, i never said climate change is happening because of fat people. I said fat people feel the heat more than skinny people.

    Also standing in front of a hot tv adds more temp to your room than the 1 degree of temp increase for the past 100ish years. We live in cities which by their structure are hotter than the country just next door.

    Please be fair, you are putting words in my mouth that i never said. I said something quite different.

  • besty


  • bohm


    Dont put words in my mouth, i never said climate change is happening because of fat people. I said fat people feel the heat more than skinny people.

    Also standing in front of a hot tv adds more temp to your room than the 1 degree of temp increase for the past 100ish years. We live in cities which by their structure are hotter than the country just next door.

    Oh my God you nailed it mP! All these years, scientists and evil-doers of all kinds have tried to figure out if the global temperature was going up by going into peoples houses and asking people if they felt the climate was warming up!!!! I see it now,

    evil-doer: "Sir, if you could turn down your TV, could you tell us if you feel the climate is generally hotter in your appartment now than in 1859?"

    fatass: "it sure feel that way! especially since we got electricity and i gained 50 pounds!"

    and you totally nailed that as the wrong methology!!!

    Oh genius mP, what will you propose they rather use instead? using measurement stations on land and in the sea far removed from heat-emitting structures? using sattelites to observe infrared emission?

  • besty


    Dont put words in my mouth, i never said climate change is happening because of fat people. I said fat people feel the heat more than skinny people. Also standing in front of a hot tv adds more temp to your room than the 1 degree of temp increase for the past 100ish years. We live in cities which by their structure are hotter than the country just next door

    So global climate change is not happening because of how hot fat people feel while standing in front of their TV?

    And further to that, climate scientists have failed to account for cities being hotter than the surrounding countryside? Wow - you really should write a paper - I think you are onto something here...

  • besty

    I wonder if thin people sitting behind a radio in the countryside will suffer from climate change...hmmmm...

  • bohm

    For those that are interested on a more scientifically informed perspective, nature ran an article a few weeks ago on the increase in the arctic sea ice. The bottom line is there is more ice now than last year, but still less than the average over the past ~30 years. None of this change the fact of global warming.

  • besty

    @bohm @metatron

    I'd be interested in your thoughts on the scientific integrity of the Daily Mail article as found at

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